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Water Resources: Government Information: Library Guide: Water and sanitation

This guide directs you to government sources on water resources from international to local level.


South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Volume 1: call to action. Version 10.1: ready for the future and ahead of the curve.  Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, [2018?]

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Volume 1: call to action: final draft: ready for the future and ahead of the curve.  Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, 31 March 2018.

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Volume 1: call to action (Version 8.3) Ready for the future and ahead of the curve: draft for consultation. Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, 18 January 2018.

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Volume 2: Version 2: ready for the future and ahead of the curve. Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, [2018?]

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Volume 2: Version 4.2: ready for the future and ahead of the curve. Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, 31 October 2018.

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Volume 2: plan to action: final draft (version 3.3.)Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, 31 March 2018.

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Volume 3. Schedule and action. Version 4.8: ready for the future and ahead of the curve. Part 1 part 2, part 3. Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, [2018?]

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Volume 3. Schedule of action. Version 4.8: ready for the future and ahead of the curve. Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, 23 October 2018.

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Abstract: water and the economy. Draft version 1.5. Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, 15 October 2018.

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National water and sanitation master plan. Ready for the future and ahead of the curve, draft 2.6 : draft for consultation. Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, 08 December 2017.

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. Draft national water and sanitation master plan (NW&SMP). Ready for the future and ahead of the curve. Version 2.4. Pretoria : Department of Water and Sanitation, 13 November 2017.

Norms and standards

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. National Norms and Standards for Domestic Water and Sanitation Services. Version 3: final. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, September 2017. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 41100 (8 September 2017), Government notice no. 982.

Trade & Industrial Strategies reports

Montmasson-Clair, Gaylor, Gillian Chigumira, Daryl McLean, Sandra Makumbirofa. Water and sanitation industry master plan: policy report. Pretoria: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies, June 2022. 

Montmasson-Clair, Gaylor, Gillian Chigumira, Daryl McLean, Sandra Makumbirofa. Water and sanitation industry master plan: research report. Pretoria: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies, April 2022. 

Sustainable Development Goal 6

South Africa. Department of Water and Sanitation. Sustainable Development Goal 6

Water and sanitation

Algotsson, Emma and Tumai Murombo. Water and sanitation in South Africa: environmental rights and municipal accountability. Pretoria: Lawyers for Human Rights, 2009. Research funded by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)

South African Human Rights Commission.Report on the right to access sufficient water and decent sanitation in South Africa, 2014. Shelf no. G 68 E.HUMA.14.WATE

National Treasury. Local governments budgets and expenditure review. Ch. 8, Water and sanitation

   Science, water and sanitation : supporting equitable and sustainable development in southern Africa / [Academy of Science of South Africa]. --    Pretoria : Academy of Science of South Africa, 2012.

   19 p. : col. ill., maps ; 30 cm.

   GHS series. Volume III, Water and sanitation 2002-2010 : in-depth analysis of the General household survey data / Statistics South Africa. --    Pretoria : Statistics South Africa, 2011.

   viii, 69 p. ; 30 cm. ( Report ; no. 03-18-02 (2002-2010) )

   Free basic sanitation implementation strategy : user-friendly summary version. --    [Pretoria : Dept. of Water Affairs ; Dept. of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, 2010.
   12 p. ; 30 cm.
G 68 JWRC TT 422/09
Mjoli, Nozi.
   Towards the realization of free basic sanitation : evaluation, review and recommendations : report to the Water Research Commission / by Nozibele Mjoli, Gillian Sykes and Tracy Jooste. --    Gezina, South Africa : Water Research Commission, 2009.

   xviii, 91 p. : ill. ( WRC report ; TT 422/09 )


G 68 JWRC TT 414/09
Still, D. (David)
   Basic sanitation services in South Africa : learning from the past, planning for the future : report to the Water Research Commission / David Still, Nick Walker and Derek Hazelton. --    Gezina, South Africa : Water Research Commission, 2009.

   xvi, 181 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. ( WRC report ; no. TT 414/09 )


   Sanitation is dignity. --    [Pretoria] : Dept. of Water Affairs and Forestry, [2007?]

   11 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm.

South Africa. Dept. of Water Affairs and Forestry (1990-2010).
   Water and sanitation business : the roles and responsibilities of local government and related institutions / Department: Water Affairs and Forestry, Republic of South Africa. --    Pretoria : Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, 2005.

   38 p. col. ill. ; 30 cm.


G 68 EWP I/94
South Africa. Dept. of Water Affairs and Forestry (1990-2010)
   Water supply and sanitation policy : white paper / Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Republic of South Africa. --    Cape Town : {The Dept.}, 1994.
   38 p. : ill., col. port. ; 30 cm.