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Social Development: Government Information: Library Guide: National minimum wage

A guide to finding government information for Social Development students.


Discussion papers

National Economic Development & Labour Council

Agricultural & domestic workers

Patel, Leila, Senzelwe Mthembu and Lauren Graham. The National Minimum Wage in the Agriculture and Domestic Work Sectors: Report of a qualitative study of stakeholder responses to the National Minimum Wage. Johannesburg: Centre for Social Development in Africa, University of Johannesburg, September 2020. Submitted to the National Minimum Wage Commission. 

South Africa. Department of Labour. 2018 Minimum wages for employees in the Farm and Forestry workers Sectors (up to 28 February 2019)

South Africa. Department of Labour. Amendment of Sectoral Determination 7: Domestic Worker Sector, South Africa. 3 December 2018.


South Africa. National Manpower Commission. Report of the National Manpower Commission on the Principle and Application of a National Minimum Wage with specific reference to the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria: Government Printer, 1982. (R.P. 94/1982) G 68 ERP 94/1982

South Africa. White paper on the Reports of the National Manpower Commission on training in labour relations in South Africa and a levy system for the promotion and financing of industrial training and on the principle and application of a national minimum wage with specific reference to the Republic of South Africa. Pretoria: Govt. Printer, 1983. (W.P. I/1983) G 68 EWP I/1983

Annual reviews and adjustments

Annual reviews and adjustments of the National Minimum Wage are published in the Government Gazettes, e.g., 

South Africa. Department of Employment and Labour. The National Minimum Wage Commission proposal for 2024 adjustment. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, December 2023. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 49835 (6 December 2023), Govt. notice no. R.4168. 

South Africa. Department of Employment and Labour. National minimum wage medium-term targets, April 2023. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, May 2023. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 48570 (8 May 2023), Govt. notice no. 3394. 

South Africa. Department of Employment and Labour. National minimum wage medium-term targets, April 2023. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, May 2023. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 48556 (8 May 2023), Govt. notice no. 3392. 

Report of the National Minimum Wage Commission on the review and adjustment of the national minimum wage for year 2022. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 47752 (15 Dec. 2022), Govt. notice no. R.2871

Report of the National Minimum Wage Commission on the review and adjustment of the national minimum wage for year 2022. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 45649 (17 Dec. 2021), Govt. notice no. 1616. 

Report of the National Minimum Wage Commission on the review and adjustment of the national minimum wage for year 2021. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 43920 (20 Nov. 2020), Govt. notice R.1423. 

South Africa. Department of Labour. National Minimum Wage Act (9/2018): Amendment of the National Minimum Wages. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, February 2020. In: Government gazette no. 43026 (17 February 2020), Govt. notice R.175, pages 21-25.

South Africa. National Wage Commission. Proposal for adjustment in the National Minimum Wage and progress report by the National Minimum Wage Commission, 2020.

National Minimum Wage Commission

Legislation: Bills

South Africa. Parliament. National Assembly. Portfolio Committee on Labour. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Labour on the National Minimum Wage Amendment Bill [B 9-2019], dated 18 March 2019. 

South Africa. Parliament. National Assembly. Portfolio Committee on Labour. National Minimum Wage Amendment Bill: finalisation, 18 March 2019 (with Report of the Committee)

South Africa. Parliament. National Assembly. Portfolio Committee on Labour. National Minimum Wage Bill 9 of 2019

New National Minimum Wage Amendment Bill for comment, 22 February 2019.

South Africa. Parliament. National Assembly. Portfolio Committee on Labour. National Minimum Wage Act technical amendments: briefing, 16 January 2019.

South Africa. Parliament. National Minimum Wage Bill (As amended by the Portfolio Committee on Labour (National Assembly)) (B 31B-2017)

South Africa. Parliament. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Labour on the workshops and public hearings held on the national minimum wage, dated 8 March 2017

South Africa. Parliament. National Assembly. Portfolio Committee on Labour. Portfolio Committee amendments to National Minimum Wages Bill (As agreed to by the Portfolio Committee on Labour (National Assembly)) (B 31A-2017)

South Africa. Parliament. National Minimum Wage Bill (As introduced in the National Assembly (proposed section 75); explanatory summary of Bill published in Government Gazette No. 41257 of 17 November 2017) (B 31-2017) "The Bill seeks to provide for a national minimum wage; to establish the National Minimum Wage Commission; to provide for the composition and functions of the National Minimum Wage Commission; to provide for the review and annual adjustment of the national minimum wage; to provide for exemption from paying the national minimum wage; to provide for transitional provisions in respect of farm workers and domestic workers; and to provide for matters connected therein."


Forestry South Africa. Submission to the Department of Labour and Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Labour on The National Minimum Wage Bill. Published: November 2017.

South African Federation of Trade Unions. SAFTU’s submission to Parliament on national minimum wage bill and amendments to labour laws.

University of the Witwatersrand. National Minimum Wage Research Initiative. Submission with regards to National Minimum Wage and related Bills.

Also use the Sabinet Legal. Parliamentary Documents database. Search using "national minimum wage/s" in Keyword and tick Exact Phrase box.


National Minimum Wage Commission (NMW). "established by section 8 of the National Minimum Wages Act​ 9 of 2018 which took effect on 1 January 2019."

Legislation: Acts

For the consolidated up to date version of the Act, consult the University of Pretoria's Laws of South Africa: Consolidated Legislation. Scroll down to Labour Law where you will find the current version of the Act and Regulations.

South Africa. National Minimum Wage Amendment Act 3 of 2020.

South Africa. National Minimum Wage Act 9 of 2018.

South Africa. Basic Conditions of Employment Amendment Act 7 of 2018.

Legislation: Regulations

For the consolidated up to date version of the Regulations, consult the University of Pretoria's Laws of South Africa: Consolidated Legislation. Scroll down to Labour Law where you will find the current version of the Act and Regulations.

South Africa. Department of Labour. National Minimum Wage Regulations, 2018.

Parliamentary Proceedings

The Parliamentary Monitoring Group website contains minutes of Parliamentary Committee proceedings, debates (Hansard), bills, committee reports and other documents. Search "national minimum wage." Refine your search by choosing the Labour Committee. You may select Committee Meetings, Hansard, Tabled Committee Reports, etc. (You may need to come in to Government Publications to Log In.

Parliamentary documents

Sabinet Legal. Parliamentary Documents (database). Search using "national minimum wage/s" in Keyword and tick Exact Phrase box.

South Africa. Parliament. Research Unit. Engagement on the national minimum wage, 29 June 2016.

ILO Policy Guide

International Labour Organization. Minimum wage policy guide: a summary. Geneva: International Labour Organization, 2016.

International Labour Organization. Minimum Wage Policy Guide: Full Chapters. Geneva: International Labour Organization, 2016.

United Kingdom

National Minimum Wage and Living Wage collection.

Low Pay Commission. 20 Years of the National Minimum Wage. April 2019.

Low Pay Commission. The National Living Wage beyond 2020. November 2019.