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Energy in South Africa, post 1993: Government Resources: Library Guide: Eskom

A guide for the Economic History research project


National Transmission Company of South Africa (NTCSA). First board appointed in January 2024. Part of the "unbundling" of Eskom. Presentation to the Select Committee: briefing by the Department of Public Enterprises on progress made on the unbundling of Eskom, 20 September 2023.

Eskom Debt Relief

Eskom Debt Relief Amendment Act no. 5 of 2024

Eskom Debt Relief Amendment Bill (B38-2023) 

Bill history, including briefings and committee report.

South Africa. National Treasury. 2023 Budget review. Annexure W3. Eskom debt relief. Pretoria: National Treasury, 2023. 

South Africa. National Treasury. Explanatory note: Eskom debt relief. Pretoria: National Treasury, 2023. 

Eskom Debt Relief Act 7 of 2023

Eskom Debt Relief Bill (B5-2023) 

Plans, Strategies & Frameworks

Eskom. Sustainability mapping at Eskom: Eskom's sustainable development framework. Johannesburg: Eskom, 2016?

South Africa. Department of Public Enterprises.  Roadmap for Eskom in a reformed electricity supply industry, 2019. Pretoria: Department of Public Enterprises, October 2019.

South Africa. Ministry of Public Enterprises. Roadmap for Eskom; Minister input on Eskom & SAA, 20 November 2019. Includes Roadmap and presentation.

Zondo Commission

South Africa. Judicial Commission of Inquiry into State Capture. Report, Part IV, The Capture of Eskom, Volume 3 and volume 4. 

South Africa. Parliament. Research Unit. Judicial Commission of Inquiry into State Capture Report into Allegations Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector Including Organs of State: Part 4 (Volumes 3 and 4) Key Findings and Recommendations: the Capture of Eskom, 23 November 2022. Cape Town: Parliament, November 2022.  Accessible in Sabinet's Parliamentary Documents database, 2/2/2023.

Green energy

"Eskom’s Just Energy Transition (JET) Office was established earlier in 2021 and has made significant strides to progress the evolution for transition towards a cleaner and greener energy future."

Eskom and the Just Energy Transition Discussion document August 2021. Presentation. 

Eskom Just Energy Transition presentation, 17 November 2020.

Just Transition Knowledge Portal

Public accounts

South Africa. Parliament. Standing Committee on Appropriations. Special Appropriation Bill: National Treasury on Eskom conditions, 9 October 2019.

South Africa. Parliament. Standing Committee on Appropriations. Scan Committee Minutes on

South Africa. Parliament. Standing Committee on Public Accounts. Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts on its oversight visit to ESKOM and its projects of Medupi and Kusile, from 26 to 30 August 2019, dated 16 October 2019, pages 3-13.

Annual reports

South Africa. Electricity Supply Commission    Annual report, 1923/4-1986.    Johannesburg :   The Commission,   1924-1987. G 68 ES(ESCO)

Eskom (Firm). Eskom annual report, 1987-2008/2009. Johannesburg : Eskom, 1988-2009. G 68 ES.ESCO

Eskom (Firm) author and publisher.    Integrated report, 2012/2013 onwards.    Sandton, South Africa :   Eskom,  G 68 ES.ESCO .

The Eskom Heritage website has the Annual Reports from 1923-1996.

Other annuals

Eskom. Environmental report, 1994-1997. [Johannesburg :   Eskom,]. G 68 ES(ESKOM)ENVI

Statistical yearbook, 1986.   Johannesburg :   Escom, G 68 A(ESCOM)

ESKOM statistical yearbook, 1988-1996.    Johannesburg :   ESKOM,  G 68 A(ESCOM) 

Other publications

Eskom. Medium-term System Adequacy Outlook, 2017 to 2022

Options for a basic electricity support tariff :   analysis, issues and recommendations.    [Cape Town] :   University of Cape Town,   2002. "Eskom and Department of Minerals and Energy" G 68 E.ENER.02.OPTI

Eskom (Firm).    Eskom regulated business :   submission to Parliament regarding the proposed municipal price amendments that will take effect on 1 July 2007 /    [Johannesburg? :   Eskom?] ,   2007. G 68 E.ENER.07.ESKO

Department of Public Enterprises. Eskom Build Programme, June 2007. Pretoria : Department of Public Enterprises, 2007.

Eskom (Firm).    Energy efficiency and demand side management in South Africa /    Sandton [South Africa] :   Eskom,   [2008?]. G 68 E.ENER.08.ENER

Eskom (Firm).    Eskom nuclear power station and associated infrastructure :   final scoping report /    [Cape Town? :   Eskom :   Arcus Gibb],   2008. G 68 E.ENER.08.ESKO

Eskom (Firm).    Eskom regulated business :   submission to Parliament : amended pricing structure for municipalities, effective 1 July 2008 /    [Johannesburg? :   Eskom? ,   2008]. G 68 E.ENER.08.ESKO

Eskom (Firm).    Eskom's 2008/09 pricing structure in terms of Section 42 of the Municipal Finance Management Act :   submission to Parliament /    [Pretoria?] :   Department of Public Enterprises,   2008. G 68 E.ENER.08.ESKO

Eskom (Firm).    Eskom Holdings Limited :   tabling in Parliament : Eskom’s amended pricing structure : Eskom’s retail (standard) tariffs for municipalities for 2011/12 in terms of section 42(4) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003 (MFMA) /    [Johannesburg? :   Eskom? ,   2011]. G 68 E.ENER.11.ESKO

Eskom (Firm) issuing body.    Eskom Holdings SOC Limited :   tabling in Parliament : Eskom's amended pricing structure : Eskom's retail (standard) tariffs for municipalities for 2014/15 in terms of section 42(4) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003 (MFMA)    [Johannesburg] :   Eskom,   2014. G 68 E.ENER.14.ESKO 


Parliamentary committees

Consult the Parliamentary Monitoring Group website. 

South Africa. Parliament. National Council of Provinces. Committee on Public Enterprises and Communication. DPE update on the unbundling of Eskom; with Minister, 20 September 2023. Presentation to the Select Committee: Briefing by the Department of Public Enterprises on Progress Made on the Unbundling of Eskom, 20 September 2023

Western Cape Provincial Parliament. Ad hoc Committee on National Energy Crisis. Energy Crisis in South Africa and its effect on the Western Cape: engagement with Eskom, 24 May 2023. 

ENSafrica. Eskom Holdings Soc Limited: Report on the Investigation into Allegations made against Eskom Board Member, Clive Le Roux, during the Joint Parliamentary Portfolio Committees Meeting held on 27 January 2023. Sandton, Johannesburg: ENSafrica, October 2023. 

Parliamentary inquiry, 2023

Parliamentary Inquiry 2017-2018

Eberhard, Anton, Catrina Godinho. Eskom Inquiry reference book. Cape Town :  University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business, August 2017.

 South Africa. Parliament. Parliamentary Budget Office. Analysis of Eskom's financial position: full report, March 2017.

South Africa. Parliament. National Assembly. Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on the enquiry into governance, procurement and the financial sustainability of Eskom, dated 28 November 2018. 

South Africa. Parliament. National Assembly. Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises. Report of the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises on the inquiry into governance, procurement and the financial sustainability of Eskom, dated 28 November 2018. In: Announcements, tablings and committee reports No. 178 of 2018, pages 92-256.

South Africa. Parliament. National Assembly. Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises. Final Report on the Eskom Inquiry. November 2018.

Submission by Board of Eskom Holdings Soc Limited to the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises enquiry into corporate governance at state owned companies.

Go to Parliamentary Monitoring Group, National Assembly Committees, Public Enterprises Committee and scan the list of meetings. 

Search Sabinet Parliamentary Documents database for "Inquiry into Corporate Governance in Eskom"  as a keyword exact phrase.


National Economic Development and Labour Council. Framework agreement for a social compact on supporting Eskom for inclusive economic growth. Final version, 15 September 2020. Johannesburg: NEDLAC, 2020.

Version 2.  Revised Eskom Social Compact Implementation Plan

Legislative background

Eskom was established as the Electricity Supply Commission by the Electricity Act 42 of 1922. The Electricity Act 40 of 1958 replaced the 1922 Act.

The Electricity Amendment Act 50 of 1985 changed the name of the Commission to Escom. 

The Eskom Act 40 of 1987 changed the name from Escom to Eskom. 

The Eskom Conversion Act 13 of 2001 provided for the conversion of Eskom into a public company.

Eskom Heritage website


Transmission development plans

Eskom. Transmission development plans

Transmission Development Plan, 2023 - 2032. Johannesburg: Eskom, 2023?

Transmission development plan, 2022-2031. Johannesburg: Eskom, 2022?

Transmission Development Plan 2021 - 2030. Johannesburg: Eskom, 2021?

Transmission development plan, 2020-2029. Johannesburg: Eskom, 2020?

Transmission development plan, 2019-2028 (public version). Johannesburg: Eskom, 2019.

Transmission development plan, 2018-2027. Johannesburg: Eskom, 2017.

Transmission development plan, 2016-2025. Johannesburg : Eskom, 2016.

Transmission development plan, 2015-2024. Johannesburg : Eskom, 2015.

Transmission ten-year development plan, 2013-2022. Johannesburg: Eskom.

Transmission ten-year development plan, 2012-2021Johannesburg :   Eskom,   2011. G 68 E.ENER.11.TRAN

Transmission ten-year development plan, 2011-2020Johannesburg :   Eskom.

Transmission development plan, 2010-2019Johannesburg :   Eskom.

Eskom Investment Support Project

Investigation Reports

National Treasury has released a report compiled following an independent assessment of operations at Eskom’s coal-fired power stations: The Opera Assessment Report Revision 2: Independent Assessment of Eskom’s Operational Situation. "National Treasury commissioned the independent assessment of all Eskom coal-fired power stations to obtain an in-depth understanding of their operational challenges. It is hoped that the findings and recommendations will assist in strengthening Eskom’s corporate plan and continue to support the turnaround at Eskom." 1 March 2024.

Inquiry into allegations by the Chief Procurement Officer of ESKOM Holdings Soc Limited. Dated: 01 June 2021. Established by Eskom. Conducted by Advocate Ishmael Semenya.

Fundudzi. Final Report: Forensic Investigation into Various Allegations at Transnet And Eskom: Tender Number NT 022-2016 RFQ 026-2017. Chapter III, Report relating to Eskom investigations. Pretoria: National Treasury, November 2018. 

Dentons South Africa. Report in respect of the investigation into the status of the business and challenges experienced by Eskom, instituted by the board of ESKOM Holdings (SOC) Ltd in terms of a resolution passed on 11 March 2015. 2 July 2015 (reflecting the state of the investigation as at 18 June 2015.)

South Africa. Office of the Public Protector. Report on a preliminary investigation relating to electricity load shedding implemented by Eskom Holdings Limited (Report no: 31 of 2008/9)

South Africa. Office of the Public Protector. Report on an investigation into allegations of abuse of power and maladministration by Eskom regarding the alleged irregular termination of a contract of services awarded to Castle Terminal CO (PTY) LTD and the irregular inclusion of Voltex (PTY) LTD and Aurecon (PTY) LTD on a Tender: Gen 3135 for the installation of light fixtures at Eskom Fossil fired power stations (Report no. 13 of 2017/18)

South Africa. Office of the Public Protector. Report on an investigation into alleged maladministration by ESKOM relating to the alleged wrongful disconnection of electricity supply and improper imposition of tampering and reconnection fees (Report no. 1 of 2016/17)

South Africa. Office of the Public Protector. Report on an Investigation into an Allegation of Improper Conduct by the former Chairperson of The Board of Directors of Eskom Holdings Limited, Mr V Moosa, relating to the Awarding of a Contract (Report no. 30 of 2008/9)

South Africa. Office of the Public Protector. State of capture: report on an investigation into alleged improper and unethical conduct by the President and other state functionaries relating to alleged improper relationships and involvement of the Gupta family in the removal and appointment of ministers and directors of state-owned enterprises resulting in improper and possibly corrupt award of state contracts and benefits to the Gupta's family businesses. (Report no. 6 of 2016/17)

OECD book chapter

OECD. State-Owned Enterprises in the Development Process. Paris:  OECD Publishing, 2015. Chapter 6, The evolution of SOEs in South Africa, 6.3.1. Case of electricity: Escom, pages 176-182. 


South Africa. Special Investigating Unit. SIU Presentation to Scopa on Eskom Investigations by Adv. Andy Mothibi, 24 January 2023. Accessible in Sabinet's Parliamentary Documents database, 24/1/2023.

Search the Parliamentary Monitoring Group website for more presentations and submissions.

Search Sabinet Legal's Policy Documents for submissions, speeches, statements and briefing papers, e.g., Eskom Overview: Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Energy, Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises and Select Committee on Economic and Business Development, 29 July 2014.

Eskom (Firm).    Briefing to Parliamentarians :   Western Cape power challenge /    [Johannesburg? :   Eskom?],   2006. G 68 E.ENER.06.BRIE

Presentation to Portfolio Committees of Public Enterprises and Minerals & Energy :   Eskom.    [S.l. :   s.n.],   2001. G 68 E.ENER.01.PRES

Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Minerals & Energy :   Eskom.    [S.l. :   Eskom?],   1999. G 68 E.ENER.99.PRES


South Africa. Just  Energy Transition Office. Just Energy Transition (JET) Fact sheet #001. Re-invigorating, rejuvenating and redefining Eskom’s destiny as we lead the energy transition into the future. September 2021.

South Africa. Just  Energy Transition Office. Just Energy Transition (JET) Fact sheet #002 Re-invigorating, rejuvenating and redefining Eskom’s destiny as we lead the energy transition into the future. November 2021.

South Africa. Just  Energy Transition Office. Just Energy Transition (JET) Fact Sheet #003. Re-invigorating, rejuvenating and redefining Eskom’s destiny as we lead the energy transition into the future. October 2022.

South Africa. Just  Energy Transition Office. Just Energy Transition (JET) Fact sheet #004. Re-invigorating, rejuvenating and redefining Eskom’s destiny as we lead the energy transition into the future. November 2022.

South Africa. Just  Energy Transition Office. Just Energy Transition (JET) Fact sheet #005. Re-invigorating, rejuvenating and redefining Eskom’s destiny as we lead the energy transition into the future. November 2022.

Eskom (Firm).    Power from water /    Tygervalley :   Peaking Generation,   [2012?]. G 68 E.ENER.12.POWE

Eskom (Firm).    Demand side management :   businesses save money by saving electricity /    [Johannesburg?] :   Eskom,   [2006?]. G 68 E.ENER.06.DEMA

Eskom (Firm).    Capacity expansion programme :   short-term to mid-term view /    [Johannesburg?] :   Eskom,   [2005]. G 68 E.ENER.05.CAPA

Palmiet Pumped Storage Scheme /    [Johannesburg] :   Eskom,   2005. G 68 E.WATE.05.PALM

Eskom (Firm).    Electrification and health /    [Johannesburg?] :   Corporate Communication and Visual Media,   [2001?]. G 68 E.ENER.01.ELEC

Eskom (Firm).    Y2K :   ESKOM ready for the year 2000.    [Johannesburg?] :   ESKOM,   1999. G 68 E.ENER.99.READ


Komati Power Station

Urban-Econ Development Economists & Urban-Econ:NIKELA. Stakeholder Engagement Plan for the Shutdown and Repurposing of Komati Power Station. Pretoria: Urban-Econ Development Economists & Urban-Econ:NIKELA, September 2022. Prepared for Eskom.

Nemai Consulting. Komati Power Station Shutdown & Dismantling: Draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report. Part I, ESIA Report. Ferndale: Nemai Consulting, August 2022. Client: Eskom.

Nemai Consulting. Komati Power Station Shutdown & Dismantling: Draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report. Part II, Appendices. Ferndale: Nemai Consulting, August 2022. Client: Eskom.