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Energy in South Africa, 1910-1993: Government Resources: Library Guide: Energy consumption

A guide to Government sources of information in the Government Publications Department, covering the period from the Union to the end of apartheid.


Energy utilisation in South Africa.    Pretoria :   Dept. of Planning and the Environment,   1978. G 68 E.PLAN.78.ENER
Based on a 1977 UCT thesis by K. F. Bennett, Energy utilization in South Africa.

'n Raming van die vraag na en aanbod van energie in Suid-Afrika tot die jaar 2000 :   'n verslag vir 'n hulpkomitee van die Beplanningsadviesraad van die Eerste Minister.    Pretoria :   Departement van Beplanning en die Omgewing,   1974.