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Breede River: Government Resources: Library Guide: Biodiversity & Environment

Guide for Regional Planning post-graduate students researching issues in the Breede River Basin


Western Cape (South Africa). Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning.    Sustainability atlas of the Western Cape, 2006 /    [Cape Town :   Western Cape, Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning,   2006].  1 v. (various foliations) : col. maps ; 35 x 43 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) + 1 videodisc (4 3/4 in.) GO PWC E.ENVI.06.SUST GZCD PWC E.ENVI.06.SUST GZDV PWC E.ENVI.06.SUST

Biodiversity GIS

South African National Biodiversity Institute. Biodiversity summary: Breede Valley

South African National Biodiversity Institute. Biodiversity summary: Langeberg

South African National Biodiversity Institute. Biodiversity GIS. Search, e.g., Breede Valley. You are required to register.

Plans & Framework

CapeNature. Langeberg Complex, part of the Cape Floral Region Protected Areas World Heritage Site, Western Cape, South Africa: Protected Area Management Plan 2020 – 2030. Cape Town: CapeNature. Latest update 27 January 2020. (Archived version,  which takes several minutes to load and longer to save.) 25 October 2019. (Archived version.)

Cape Winelands District Municipality. Environmental Management Framework: Cape Winelands District Municipality: Comments and Responses Report: Status QuoWorcester: Cape Winelands District Municipality, September 2011. Scroll down for maps. (Archived version.)

Maree, K. S. (Kerry)    The biodiversity sector plan for the Witzenberg, Breede Valley and Langeberg municipalities, 2010    [Kirstenbosch, South Africa] :   Cape Action for People and the Environment, South African National Parks, CapeNature, GEF,   [2010] Shelf no. GZDV 68 E.ENVI.10.BIOD

Western Cape. Department of Environmental Affairs and Planning. Breede River Environmental Resources Protection Plan (ERPP) 2017 (With several documents.)



Aurecon South Africa for the Cape Winelands District Municipality. Environmental Situation Analysis: Cape Winelands District Municipal Area of the Western Cape: Final Report, August 2010. Cape Town: Aurecon South Africa, August 2010. (Archived version.)

CSIR, Natural Resources and the Environment, Cape Winelands District Municipality. Strategic Environmental Assessment for the management of Ecosystem Services within the Cape Winelands District Municipal Area. Environmental strategy & strategic environmental management plan: draft for public review, May 2007.  (Archived version.)

CSIR, Natural Resources and the Environment, Cape Winelands District Municipality. Strategic Environmental Assessment for the management of Ecosystem Services within the Cape Winelands District Municipal Area. Scoping report: draft for public review, July 2006

CSIR, Natural Resources and the Environment, Cape Winelands District Municipality. Strategic Environmental Assessment for the management of Ecosystem Services within the Cape Winelands District Municipal Area. Strategy report: draft, February 2007

Job, Nancy, Kate Snaddon, Liz Day and Jeanne Nel, Lindie Smith-Adao. C.A.P.E. fine-scale planning project: aquatic ecosystems of the upper Breede River Valley planning domain, November 2008. Cape Town : The Freshwater Consulting Group ; Stellenbosch : CSIR, 2008. (Do a search on You have to register.)

CapeNature. Western Cape state of conservation report, 2020, 2021, 2022.

CapeNature. Western Cape state of biodiversity 2017. 2012, 2007 & 2002. Consult individual chapters.

Nick Helme Botanical Surveys for CapeNature. Botanical report : fine scale vegetation mapping in the Upper Breede River Valley : draft, 18 July 2007. Scarborough : Nick Helme Botanical Surveys, 2007. (Do a search on You have to register.)


State of the environment

Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs & Planning. State of Environment Outlook Report for the Western Cape Province, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health, May 2018. Shelf no. G PWC E.ENVI.18.STAT

Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs & Planning. State of Environment Outlook Report for the Western Cape Province, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health Chapter, September 2013. Shelf no. GZCD PWC E.ENVI.13.STAT

Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs & Planning. State of Environment Outlook Report for the Western Cape Province, Environmental Outlook, February 2018. Shelf no. G PWC E.ENVI.18.STAT

Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs & Planning. State of Environment Outlook Report for the Western Cape Province, Environmental Outlook, September 2013. Shelf no. GZCD PWC E.ENVI.13.STAT

Environmental profile

South Africa, Department of Environmental Affairs. Cape Winelands District Municipality environmental profile. (Scroll down for Environmental profile brochure and poster

Waste management

Breede Valley Local Municipality. Draft Report: Organic Waste Diversion Plan. Submission date: 2023/02/22.

Breede Valley Local Municipality. Draft integrated waste management plan (4th generation). May 2020.

Cape Winelands District Municipality. Integrated waste management plan (3rd generation) (final report) July 2015.

Langeberg Local Municipality. Draft Report: Organic Waste Diversion Plan. Submission date: : 2023/08/31

Langeberg Local Municipality. Langeberg Local Municipality integrated waste management plan: draft IWMP: draft report. Revision 00. Menlo Park, Pretoria: Delta Built Environment Consultants (Pty) Ltd, February 2021.

Langeberg Local Municipality. 3rd Generation Integrated Waste Management Plan: Situational Analysis. Ashton: Langeberg Local Municipality, January 2016.

Air quality management

Cape Winelands District Municipal Air Quality Management Plan, May 2018. 

Langeberg Municipality. Air quality management plan, 2016-2021. Ashton: Langeberg Municipality, 2016.

Langeberg Municipality. Draft air quality management plan, 2016-2021. Ashton: Langeberg Municipality, 2016.


Alien species

Langeberg Municipality. Langeberg Municipality draft alien invasive vegetation management plan, 2016-2022. Ashton: Langeberg Municipality, 2016.

South Africa. Working for Water Programme. Effects of alien invasives on the Breede River: project report 15 June 2004. Mowbray: Southern Waters, 2004.