Read & Publish agreements are a form of transformative agreement with a publisher that takes the library’s existing expenditure on subscriptions and repurposes it to cover both reading and publishing in that publisher’s journals. If you publish in a journal that’s included in one of the Read & Publish agreements, you may be able to publish direct to open access with no transactional article processing charges.
Author publishing workflow. You don’t need to change your publishing practices. Submit where you would normally submit your research and you’ll be notified on acceptance if you are eligible to publish your article open access with no transactional APCs (Article Processing Charges).
The UCT Libraries is participating in various Read & Publish agreements, which enable University of Cape Town (UCT) authors to publish accepted articles into eligible journals without any APCs. The current agreements are:
American Chemical Society
Association for Computing Machinery
Cambridge University Press
Elsevier ScienceDirect Freedom Collection
Institute of Physics
Oxford University Press
Springer Nature
Taylor & Francis
The Royal Society
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.