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Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Resources from UCT Libraries: Free interdisciplinary online books

Publicly available online books sources

List courtesy of Erin Gallagher, Electronic Resources Librarian, University of Florida - this list of Publisher/Vendor Support


  • Directory of Open Access Books:  directory of academic, peer reviewed open access books. 
  • free public domain eBooks that you can download in the EPUB format. 
  • Google Books: Previews and full-text ebooks. Full-text books are out of copyright, or books in which Google received permission from the publisher to reproduce. 
  • Hathi Trust Digital Library:  1
  • Internet Archive: Ebooks and Texts Archive:  contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts, and academic books. Internet Archive declared National Emergency Library; this means multiple users can check out eBooks at the same time for 13-days. Users only need to create an Open Library account.
  • Project Gutenberg: first and largest single collection of free ebooks that are out of copyright in the United States. 
  • PLOS (Public Library of Science): open access e-journals in science and medicine. 
  • NCBI Bookshelf: free online access to ebooks and documents in life sciences and healthcare. 
  • Open Textbook Library: 700+ open textbooks
  • OAPEN Library: Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN) Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences. 
  • BioMed Central: part of Springer/Nature, BMC publishes open access journals in science and medicine. 
  • Open Book Publishers:  freely-available ebooks and e-textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences.