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Religious Studies Library Guide: Finding newspaper articles

Why use newspaper articles?

Newspaper articles are very useful in research. As they are more current than published books and journals, they contain very up-to-date information. They offer some literature where there is a gap in the published literature. They can also assist in explaining anomalies in data. Newspapers show what was the current interest and thinking at a particular time.

Where in the library...

...are the print newspapers?

Since most newspapers are now available electronically, only a few titles are available in print. The most current of the print newspapers can be found on Level 4 in the Main Library. Ask at the Information Desk for directions.

Online newspaper links

UCT Libraries subscribes to Library PressDisplay, a database that provides access to over 3000 publications from more that 55 countries (including South Africa). Access covers the most recent 6 months and the content may be browsed by country, language, or title. - See more at:
UCT Libraries subscribes to Library PressDisplay, a database that provides access to over 3000 publications from more that 55 countries (including South Africa). Access covers the most recent 6 months and the content may be browsed by country, language, or title. - See more at:

UCT Libraries subscribes to Library PressDisplay, a database that provides access to over 3000 publications from more than 55 countries (including South Africa). Access covers the most recent 6 months and content may be browswesd by country, language or title. Access is via the A-Z list of databases.

In an addition, the following link to Online Newspapers & News Sites provides a page with links to news sites that are freely available to the public (UCT Libraries   does not subscribe to these online publications)

How to look for newspaper articles using various databases