Material in the library is arranged according to the Dewey Classification system.
PRIMO is accessible from any where in the world via the library web page. It will allow you to search for books (by author, title or subject), journal titles, DVDs, UCT dissertations amongst other resources.
The location gives the shelf number. Prefixes indicate in which library the books will be found. The prefixes DS and WH have been discontinued, but they will still be found on older material in the catalogue and on the spines of books. Ignore these prefixes - only the shelf number is important. However, where the prefix is WHJ or WHT these are discrete collections of education material for the Classroom Collection (WHJ), and School Textbooks (WHT).
The prefix R means the book is reference and cannot be taken out. BA indicates Special Collections and can only be consulted or photocopied. Government Publications Library keeps all official government documents. Their holdings are indicated by the prefix G. Some of their materials are available for loan.