A large amount of information that may be of interest to Information Systems is available on the internet. Some of the information can be accessed on subject-specific internet sites and through using general search engines. When using the internet resources, you need to be cautious, as most websites do not undergo peer review. It is therefore important to evaluate the website that you get your information from.
For tips on searching the internet, try this website from TutorPro
A set of free Internet tutorials to help you develop Internet research skllls for your university course
All tutorials are written and reviewed by a national team of lecturers and librarians from universities across the UK
To find out more about evaluating websites, the following sites will help you:
A students' resource to learn how to master information challenges. UCT Libraries Marilyn Smith
Techniques to apply and questions to ask. UC Berkeley Library.
Evaluating web pages on the Internet. Johns Hopkins University
Criteria and Tools for evaluating web sites. Cornell University Library
There is a vast amount of information on the world wide web that cannot be found using general purpose search engines like Google. General purpose search engines provide only the tip of the iceberg of what is available on the web. There are alternatives to general purpose search engines:
Provides scholarly internet resource collections
One of the best known general directories on the web.
The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors.
Discover over 70,000+ searchable databases and specialty search engines.