Newspaper articles are very useful in research. As they are more current than published books and journals, they contain very up-to-date information. They offer some literature where there is a gap in the published literature. They can also assist in explaining anomalies in data. Newspapers show what was the current interest and thinking at a particular time.
...are the print newspapers?
Since most newspapers are now available electronoicall, only a few titles are available in print. The most current of the print newspapers can be found on Level 4 in the Main Library. Ask at the Information Desk for directions.
UCT Libraries subscribes to Library PressDisplay, a database that provides access to over 3000 publications from more than 55 countries (including South Africa). Access covers the most recent 6 months and content may be browswesd by country, language or title. Access is via the A-Z list of databases.
In an addition, the following link to Online Newspapers & News Sites provides a page with links to news sites that are freely available to the public (UCT Libraries does not subscribe to these online publications)