The library uses the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) to classify and arrange books. It uses the numbers 000 to 999 to cover the general fields of knowledge and subdivides each field by the use of decimals and letters.
658 General Management
To search for books at UCT Libraries you must use PRIMO.
Primo is a discovery search tool that will let you search most of our library's full text resources (ebooks, articles, videos and more!) from a single search box! You will find Primo on the library homepage (it's the big search box in the middle, beneath the Everything tab).
If a book is not available at UCT libraries, a copy can be requested via Interlibrary Loans from another library.
Undergraduate: 6 books for 7 days
Postgraduate: 12 books for 30 days
UCT Staff: 30 books for 90 days
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