Cambridge University Press
In response to the disruption caused by COVID-19, Cambridge University Press has given us temporary access to the following collections until 31 May 2020.
700+ HTML textbooks published Cambridge Core
Cambridge Companions
Cambridge Histories
Cambridge Elements
In addition, they are providing free access to coronavirus research on Cambridge Core. More than 80 relevant book chapters and journal articles are currently in the collection, with future articles being added once they are published:
Loeb Classical Library
The publishers of the Loeb Classical Library Online have made an extended free trial available to us due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Links to the resource are available from the Libraries databases list on the website and to the various volumes in the series via Primo.
Bloomsbury Press
Bloomsbury have given us temporary access to some of their digital resources until the end of May 2020:
These resources have been listed on the UCT Libraries Databases list and the individual titles are accessible through Primo.
Elsevier textbooks
Elsevier have made 256 textbooks available to us on ScienceDirect until the end of May 2020. hey are all available through Primo.
International Musicological Society
UCT has access to the following databases until 31 May 2020: