Check-out this animated comic, Open Access Explained! narrated by open access advocates Nick Shockey, Director of Student Advocacy at SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and Jonathan Eisen, Professor of Evolutionary Biology and Ecology at University of California, Davis on the PHD Comics website.
OpenDOAR is the quality-assured, global Directory of Open Access Repositories. You can search and browse through thousands of registered repositories based on a range of features, such as location, software or type of material held. Try it out for yourself.
OpenDOAR is the quality-assured, global Directory of Open Access Repositories. You can search and browse through thousands of registered repositories based on a range of features, such as location, software or type of material held. Try it out for yourself.
The Government Gazette of South Africa. Quick search. Hourly updates. Free alerts. The government gazette of South Africa
RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 102 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers. The collected data are then used in various services that serve the collected metadata to users or enhance it.
So far, over 2,000 archives from 102 countries have contributed about 3 million research pieces from 3,500 journals and 5,000 working paper series. Over 57,000 authors have registered and 75,000 email subscriptions are served every week. See below on how you can be part of this initiative.
RePEc :
There are many advantages to making one's research open access. The most important advantage is that there are no access barriers for the reader; making research available for the world to read and be built upon.
The scholarly outputs of researchers are immediately visible, accessible and discoverable online. This means that an increased number of readers can convert into an increased number of citations. Adding research to an open access Repository, like OpenUCT, enables UCT to preserve their publishing output. A persistent identifier is added to all material posted, which means that the URL never changes and is resolvable even if the content is migrated to a new system.
These open access benefits extend to our institution as the increased visibility and web presence of UCT’s output is demonstrated by the positive outcome of OpenUCT participation in the Webometrics Ranking Web of Repositories.
July 2015:
In South Africa: Ranked 8th out of 22 repositories |
In Africa: Ranked 10th out of 65 repositories |
In the World ranking: Ranked 423rd out of 2275 repositories |
January 2015 (debut Webometrics ranking):
In South Africa: Ranked 9th out of 22 repositories |
In Africa: Ranked 12th out of 57 repositories |
In the World ranking: Ranked 470th out of 2154 repositories |
Having an institutional repository that contains UCT’s scholarship suggests that OpenUCT can be a global window display of UCT’s research activities.
In 1878, Daniel Coit Gilman, the First President of Johns Hopkins University, stated:
"It is one of the noblest duties of a university to advance knowledge and to diffuse it, not merely among those who can attend the daily lectures, but far and wide."