Eskom ; National Transmission Company South Africa. Transmission Development Plan, 2025-2034. Johannesburg: Eskom, NTCSA, 2024?
South Africa. Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Act No. 23 of 2024. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, October 2024. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 51463 (29 October 2024), Government notice no. 5485.
South Africa. Draft Petroleum Products Bill, 2024. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, October 2024. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 51418 21 October 2024), Government notice no. 5445. For public comments.
International Energy Agency. State of Energy Policy 2024. [Paris] : International Energy Agency, September 2024. Revised version.
CSIR. Identification of Skills Needed for the Hydrogen Economy: Research Report. Labour Market Intelligence Research Programme, Department of Higher Education and Training, 2024.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Developments in Upstream Gas and Petroleum Sector – 10 September 2024.
Western Cape. Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. Western Cape State of Environment Outlook Report 2024: Energy Chapter. Cape Town: Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, July 2024.
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. [Draft] Gas master plan, February 2024. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, April 2024. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 50569 (26 April 2024), Government notice no. 4760.
Western Cape Provincial Parliament. Ad Hoc Committee on Energy Crisis. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Energy Crisis on its Oversight Undertaken during the Period 28 April 2023 to 7 February 2024, as at 17 April 2024.
Eskom Debt Relief Amendment Act no. 5 of 2024
South Africa. National Energy Crisis Committee. Energy action plan: 18 month progress report, March 2024.
National Treasury has released a report compiled following an independent assessment of operations at Eskom’s coal-fired power stations: The Opera Assessment Report Revision 2: Independent Assessment of Eskom’s Operational Situation. "National Treasury commissioned the independent assessment of all Eskom coal-fired power stations to obtain an in-depth understanding of their operational challenges. It is hoped that the findings and recommendations will assist in strengthening Eskom’s corporate plan and continue to support the turnaround at Eskom." 1 March 2024.
South Africa. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. South Africa’s 2021 Grid Emission Factors Report. Pretoaria: Government Printing Works, February 2024. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 50071 (2 February 2024), notice no. 4317, pages 34-50.
Competition Commission. Survey findings on renewable energy products used by households and businesses. Pretoria: Competition Commission, 2023?
South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Integrated resource plan, 2023. For comment. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, January 2024. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 49974 (4 January 2024), Government notice no. 4238.
This guide was compiled for the Economic History research project. It provides online sources on energy post 1993 to date and bibliographic lists of Government publications on energy post 1993 to date, in the UCT Libraries' Government Publications Department. Please note that the print copies of most of our South African Government books were lost in the April 2021 Jagger Library fire.
Please ask for further assistance.
Chronological overviews are in the Official yearbooks of the Republic of South Africa, 1974 to date @ GR 916.805 SOUT