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Energy in South Africa, post 1993: Government Resources: Library Guide: Sasol, gas and liquid fuels

A guide for the Economic History research project


South Africa. Department of Energy. Directorate: Energy Data Collection, Management and Analysis.  Overview of the Petrol and Diesel Market in South Africa between 2007 and 2016. Pretoria : Department of Energy, 2017.

South Africa. Department of Energy. Integrated energy plan. Detailed scenarios for liquid fuels supply. Pretoria: Department of Energy, October 2016.

South Africa. Department of Energy. Directorate: Energy Data Collection, Management and Analysis. Overview of petrol and diesel market in South Africa between 2002 and 2013. Pretoria : Department of Energy, 2015.

Mondliwa, Pamela and Simon Roberts. Review of economic regulation of liquid fuels and related products. Johannesburg : Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, University of Johannesburg, 2014. "output of the Regulatory Entities Capacities Building Project that was undertaken by the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, funded by the South African government’s Economic Development Department under an MoA with the University of Johannesburg."

Sustainable development report, 30 June 2015

Sasol sustainable development reports, 2008 onwards

Fofana, Ismaël.    Analysing impacts of alternative policy responses to high oil prices using an energy-focused macro-micro model for South Africa /    [Midrand, South Africa :   Financial and Fiscal Commission,   2008]. G 68 E.FINA.08.ANAL

National Treasury. Task Team. Possible reforms to the fiscal regime applicable to windfall profits in South Africa’s liquid fuel energy sector, with particular reference to the synthetic fuel industry 9th February 2007

Financial and Fiscal Commission. Submission for the Division of Revenue 2008/09 Recommendations. 7. Assessment of the Fiscal Regime Applicable to Windfall Profits in the Liquid Fuel Sector  

Department of Energy. Synopsis of the final report on: Assessment of the blending value of bioethanol with local and imported petrol. 2009?

Wakeford, J. J. The impact of oil price shocks on the South African macroeconomy: history and prospects. SARB Conference 2006.  

Report of the Moerane Investigating Team to the Minister of Minerals and Energy on the December 2005 Fuel Shortages: Executive Summary.

Sasol (Firm).    Sustainable development :   SASOL safety, health and environmental report, 2000 (for the period 26 June 1998 to 25 June 2000) /    [Johannesburg? :   SASOL,   2000?]. G 68 E.ENER.00.SUST

South Africa. Office of the Auditor-General.    Special report on the investigation of the Auditor-General regarding arrangements for the upliftment of Mossgas's products by the oil industry and the resultant payments of synthetic fuel element subsidies from the Equalisation Fund /    [Pretoria :   Government Printer,   1997]. G 68 E.AUDI.97.MOSS

Arthur Andersen (Firm)    Sasol synfuel protection study :   a report to the Liquid Fuels Industry Task Force /    [Johannesburg :   A. Andersen],   1995. G 68 E.ENER.95.SASO

Discussion documents

South Africa. Department of Energy. Discussion document on the review of the Basic Fuel Prices (BFP) structures. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 42053 (23 November 2018), General notice 717 of 2018.

South Africa. Department of Energy. 2012. Discussion document on the review of the maximum refinery gate price of liquefiied petroleum gas. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 35818 (24 October 2012), General notice 886 of 2012. 

South Africa. Department of Energy. 2011. Discussion document on the review of fuel specifications and standards for South Africa. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 34089 (8 March 2011), Government notice no. 204.


South Africa. Department of Energy. Integrated energy plan: detailed scenarios for liquid fuels supplyPretoria : Department of Energy, October 2016.

South Africa. Dept. of Minerals and Energy. Energy security master plan :   liquid fuels /    Pretoria :   Government Printer,   2007. G 68 E.ENER.07.ENER


For presentations to Parliament, please consult the Parliamentary Monitoring Group. 

Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Developments in Upstream Gas and Petroleum Sector – 10 September 2024. 

Machete. Mohudi. Overview of the liquid fuels sector in South Africa. Presentation to the IEP Stakeholder Consultation, Nelspruit, 19 November 2013. Pretoria: Department of Energy.


Sasol Online. Sustainable development information 2015: delivery social value

Sasol (Firm).    Solid performance off high base /    [Johannesburg? :   Sasol?,   2003]. G 68 E.ENER.03.SOLI

Sasol (Firm).    The soul of Sasol, 2002 :   overview of Sasol's corporate investment programmes /    [Johannesburg :   SASOL,   2002?] G 68 E.ENER.02.SOUL

Sasol (Firm).    Sasol :   50 years of innovation /    [Johannesburg :   Sasol,   2000?]. G 68 E.ENER.00.SASO


South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. South African Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Rollout Strategy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, May 2022. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 46358 (14 May 2022), Government notice no. R. 2080, pages 30-54.

South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Draft South African Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Rollout Strategy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, April 2021. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 44384 (1 April 2021), Government notice no. R. 302, pages 13-39.

New legislation

South Africa. Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Act No. 23 of 2024. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, October 2024. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 51463 (29 October 2024), Government notice no. 5485.

South Africa. Draft Petroleum Products Bill, 2024. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, October 2024. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 51418 21 October 2024), Government notice no. 5445. For public comments.

South Africa. Draft South African National Petroleum Company Bill, 2023. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, November 2023. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 49711 (13 November 2023), Government notice no. 4062. For public comments. 

South Africa. Parliament. Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Bill B13B-2021. Approved by Parliament.

Western Cape Provincial Parliament. Call for comments opened 12 December 2023.


Competition Commission. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) market inquiry

South Africa. Competition Commission.    Market inquiry into the LPG sector :   final report (non-confidential).   [Pretoria] :   Competition Commission,   March 2017. Shelf no. G 68 E.TRAD.17.MARK

South Africa. Davis Tax Committee. Report on oil and gas for the Minister of Finance. Davis Tax Committee, September 2016.


Strategic stocks

South Africa. Department of Energy. Draft strategic stocks petroleum policy. Pretoria : Department of Energy, 2013.


South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. Survey on economy-wide fuel consumption with emphasis on demand-side sectors. Pretoria : Department of Environmental Affairs, March 2016.


Sasol was established as a state-owned company, the South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation in 1950 in Sasolburg. It was first listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in 1979.

Historical milestones.

Sasol (Firm).    Annual report/review.    Sasolburg :   Sasol,   1980-2010. G 68 ES.SASO  Earlier years in the National Library and Library of Parliament.

Sasol (Firm).   Integrated annual report, 2012/2013 onwards.   [Johannesburg, South Africa :   Sasol] G 68 ES.SASO

Sasol (Firm) . Annual reports/reviews/integrated reports, 2003 onwards  [Johannesburg, South Africa :   Sasol

Sasol (Firm). Annual financial statements, 2005 onwards. [Johannesburg, South Africa :   Sasol


Working papers

Moyo, Alfred. Evaluating the impact of global oil prices on SADC and the potential for increased trade in biofuels and natural gas within the region. Helsinki, Finland: UN-WIDER, 2019. (SA-TIED Working Paper #49 | March 2019) (WIDER Working Paper 2019/36)

Shale gas

Academy of Science of South Africa. Science Action Plan for Shale Gas Exploration in the Karoo Basin. Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria: Academy of Science of South Africa, February 2022. 

Government and agencies

South Africa. Draft South African National Petroleum Company Bill, 2023. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, November 2023. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 49711 (13 November 2023), Government notice no. 4062. For public comments. 

"The South African Gas Development Company, also known as “iGAS”, is a state owned agency established per the Ministerial Directive dated 2 October 2000, for the development of the hydrocarbon gas and gas infrastructure in Southern Africa."

The Petroleum, Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (PetroSA)

National oil company. "Starting with the exploration and production of oil and natural gas, we sell petrochemical products to South Africa´s major oil companies and export petrochemical products to the international markets.Annual reports @ G 68 ES.PETR

Petroleum Agency SA "promotes exploration for onshore and offshore oil and gas resources and their optimal development on behalf of government. The Agency regulates exploration and production activities, and acts as the custodian of the national petroleum exploration and production database."

Petroleum Agency SA :   South African Agency for Promotion of Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation : [portfolio].    Parow, South Africa :   Petroleum Agency South Africa,   2003. Portfolio. G 68 E.ENER.03.PETR

Petroleum Agency South Africa.    South Africa petroleum exploration opportunities /    Parow, South Africa :   Petroleum Agency South Africa ,   2000. G 68 E.ENER.00.SOUT

"Transnet Pipelines, formerly known as Petronet, the custodian of the country’s strategic pipeline assets, is currently servicing two key industries (fuel and gas) by transporting petroleum and gas products over varying distances."



South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. [Draft] Gas master plan, February 2024. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, April 2024. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 50569 (26 April 2024), Government notice no. 4760. 

South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Gas Amendment Draft Bill 2023

South Africa. Department of Mineral Resources and Energy. Gas master plan 2022: base case report: stakeholder consultation . Pretoria: Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, September 2021.

Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Development of a Gas Pipeline Network for  South Africa.

South Africa. Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. Gas Transmission Pipeline Infrastructure

Development Bank of Southern Africa. Knowledge Management and Innovation Unit. Natural gas briefing paper, September 2016.

Development Bank of Southern Africa. Knowledge Management and Innovation Unit. Natural gas in southern Africa, March 2017.

NERSA documents on piped gas. Choose Piped-Gas, Consultation then Documents, e.g., Report on the NERSA dialogue on gas infrastructure investment 29 February 2012

Transnet. Long term planning framework, 2016. Chapter 6, Natural gas infrastructure planning

Department of Minerals and Energy. Gas infra-structure plan, 19 April 2005 update

South Africa. Department of Energy, issuing body.    Oil and gas pamphlet    Pretoria :   Department of Energy,   [2012?]. G 68 E.ENER.12.OILA

Mineral Economics reports

Department of Mineral Resources. Mineral Economics. Scroll down to Dowload resources.

e.g., Developments in the Economic contribution of Hydrocarbons, Natural Gas and Coal, Hydrocarbons industry in South Africa, 2013, 

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Competition Board (South Africa)    Investigation in terms of section 10 (1)(a) of the Maintenance and Promotion of Competition Act, 1979 (Act no. 96 of 1979) into whether the current service station rationalisation plan involving the Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs, the respective oil companies operating in South Africa, the resellers of petrol, and the Motor Industries' Federation, constitutes a restrictive practice /    Pretoria :   The Board,   [1994?]. G 68 JBC1 46

Research & development


Market Study on the Oil and Gas Sector in South Africa. Report commissioned by the Embassy of Brazil in Pretoria and conducted by Tutwa Consulting Group, July 2021.