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Energy in South Africa, 1910-1993: Government Resources: Library Guide: Eskom

A guide to Government sources of information in the Government Publications Department, covering the period from the Union to the end of apartheid.

Annual reports

South Africa. Electricity Supply Commission.   Annual report, 1923/1924-1986.   Johannesburg :   The Commission,   1924-1987. G 68 ES(ESCO)

ESCOM (South Africa)    Eskom annual report, 1987-2008/2009.    Johannesburg :   ESCOM. G 68 ES.ESCO

The Eskom Heritage website has the Annual Reports from 1923-2004/2005.


Palmiet :   voorloper in omgewings-ingenieurswese : tegniese inligting = Palmiet : forerunner in environmental engineering : technical information.    Johannesburg :   ESCOM,   1985.  G 68 E.ELEC.85.PALM

Legislative background

Eskom was established as the Electricity Supply Commission by the Electricity Act 42 of 1922. The Electricity Act 40 of 1958 replaced the 1922 Act.

The Electricity Amendment Act 50 of 1985 changed the name of the Commission to Escom. 

The Eskom Act 40 of 1987 changed the name from Escom to Eskom. 

The Eskom Conversion Act 13 of 2001 provided for the conversion of Eskom into a public company.

Available in print or online. Please ask for assistance.  You may also consult the Debates in Parliament on the bills (the draft acts.)



Statistical yearbook, 1986.   Johannesburg :   Escom. G 68 A(ESCOM)

ESKOM statistical yearbook, 1988-1996.    Johannesburg :   ESKOM. G 68 A(ESCOM)

Statistics were also published in ESKOM's Annual Reports @ G 68 ES(ESKOM)

The Eskom Heritage website has the Statistical yearbooks from 1995-1996.