See also: Sasol
The Southern Oil Exploration Corporation (Soekor) was a state-financed company established in 1965.
The State Oil Fund was established by the State Oil Fund Act 38 of 1977, as amended. Its name was changed to the Central Energy Fund (CEF) by the State Oil Fund Amendment Act 46 of 1985. The CEF group of companies included Soekor and Mossgas. Reports of the Auditor-General @ G 68 EA.CEFU
South Africa. Office of the Auditor-General. Special report of the Auditor-General on the independent expert evaluation of the economic viability of the Mossgas project / Republic of South Africa. -- Pretoria : Govt. Printer, [1993.] G 68 ERP 93/1993
[Mossgas]. [Johannesburg : Deloitte & Touche, 1993?] G 68 E.ENER.93.MOSS
South Africa. Office of the Auditor-General. Special report of the Auditor-General concerning the independent evaluation of the Mossgas project. Pretoria : Govt. Printer, [1991?] G 68 ERP 113/91
South Africa. Parliament. Joint Committee on Public Accounts.Fifth report of the Joint Committee on Public Accounts. Cape Town : Parliament, [1991.] G 68 ESC 9/1991.
Liquid Fuel and Oil Act 49 of 1947, amended by Act 17 of 1960 and Act 97 of 1986. This Act was repealed by the Liquid Fuel and Oil Act Repeal Act 20 of 1993.
South Africa. Dept. of Commerce and Industries (1933-1967). Industrial development in South Africa and facilities for the establishment of factories. Chapter three, The fuel industries : coal, gas, liquid fuels and electricity. Pretoria : Department of Commerce and Industries, 1936. Shelf no. G 68 E.INDU.36.INDU
The Fuel Research Institute was first established by the Fuel Research Institute and Coal Act 36 of 1930, which was amended and then repealed by the Fuel Research and Coal Act 35 of 1963, which was amended until the Institute was abolished by the Abolition of the Fuel Research Institute Act 30 of 1983. Many of its functions were transferred to the CSIR. Annual reports, 35th (1965)-52nd (1982) @ G 68 ES.FUEL
See also: Sasol.
South Africa. Board of Trade and Industries. Investigation into the possible equalisation of the prices of petroleum products in South Africa / Pretoria : Board of Trade and Industries, 1978. G 68 JBT1 1875
South Africa. Board of Trade and Industries. Inquiry into possible monopolistic conditions in the sale of petroleum products to members of SAMBA (Co-operative) Limited in Bloemfontein / Pretoria : Board of Trade and Industries, 1979. G 68 JBT1 1913(M)
South Africa. Dept. of Mineral and Energy Affairs (1980-1996) Report on government involvement in the oil industry / [Pretoria : Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs,, 1993?]. G 68 E.ENER.93.REPO
Meyer, F. Memorandum on the development of an oil industry within the Union, from the point of view of our oil shales, and our coal and coal by-products industry, etc. / Cape Town : Cape Times Ltd., 1928. G 68 E.INDU.28.MEMO