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African Legislation : Library Guide: Botswana/Bechuanaland

Guide to legislation in print and online

Annual Volumes

Botswana.    Statute law.    Gaberone :   Government Printer. G 6873 FLA Holdings: Vol. 50 (1966), v. 51 (1967), v. 68 (1984) onwards. We have replaced the volumes for 1997-1999, 2000-2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013

Bechuanaland.    High Commissioner's proclamations and the more important government notices.    Pretoria, :   Govt. Printing and Stationery Office,   [1891?-1965?]. G 6873 FLA Holdings: Vol. 16 (1931)-v. 23 (1938), v. 33 (1948)-v. 43 (1958).

Banks and banking

Botswana.    African Development Bank and Fund :   Chapter 39:08.    Gaborone :   Govt. Printer,   [2006?] Shelf no. G 6873 FL.BANK.06.AFRI


Botswana.    Constitution of Botswana.    Gaborone :   Govt. Printer,   [2003?] G 6873 FL.CONS.03.CONS

Botswana, enacting jurisdiction.    Constitution (Amendment) Act, 1997 /    Gaborone, Botswana :   Government Printer,   [1997]. G 6873 FL.CONS.97.CONS

Botswana.    Constitution of Botswana.    Gaborone :   Republic of Botswana,   [1990?]. G 6873 FL.CONS.1990

Botswana.    Constitution of Botswana.    Gaborone :   Republic of Botswana,   [1974?] G 6873 FL.CONS.74.CONS

Botswana. Independence Act 1966    Constitution of Botswana.    Gaborone :   Government Printer,   1966. G 6873 FL(CONS)1966

Bechuanaland Information Branch    The constitution of the Bechuanaland Protectorate (1961) :   an account /    Lobatsi :   The Centre,   [1962] G 6873 FL(CONS)1960


Botswana.    Rules of the High Court, 2008 /    Gaborone :   Govt. Print. and Pub. Services,   [2008]. Shelf no. G 6873 FL.COUR.08.RULE


Quansah, E. K.    The Botswana law of evidence /    Gaberone, Botswana :   Bay Pub.,   c2004. Shelf no. G 6873 FL.EVID.04.BOTS  DH 347.06096883 QUAN

Government Gazette

The Botswana Government Gazettes contain supplements with Bills and Acts.

Botswana.  Government gazette. Gaborone : Government Printer. G 6873 G Holdings: 4(51),1966 onwards (incomplete). 

Official gazette of the High Commissioner for Basutoland, the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland.    Mafeking :   Govt. Printer,   [1963-1966] G 6873 G Holdings: 1(8),1963-2(50)1964.


Blackhall's Laws of Botswana. Current.

Botswana e-laws.    Botswana :   Attorney Generals Chambers ,   2012 onwards. Includes historical legislation.

The World Law Guide. Legislation Botswana


Blackhall’s Laws of Botswana (revised and Annotated up to 1 January 2023). Dublin, Ireland: Blackhall Publishing,, 2023. Shelf no. G 6873 FLC.2023.

Botswana, enacting jurisdiction.    The Laws of Botswana :   LRO 1/2014 (up to and including Act 25 of 2013 and S.I. 126 of 2013) /    [Gaborone] :   [Government Printer],   2014. G 6873 FLC.2014

Botswana, enacting jurisdiction.  The Laws of Botswana  Rev. ed. Gaborone: Republic of Botswana, 2002. 12 volumes. Shelf nos. G 6873 FLC.2002 & DH 348.688302 BOTS

Botswana    The laws of Botswana, 1987 /    Gaborone :   Govt. Printer,   c1989. G 6873 FLC(1987)

Bechuanaland Protectorate.    The laws of the Bechuanaland Protectorate, containing the Orders-in-council, proclamations, and notices made thereunder, in force on the 1st day of January, 1959.    Parow,   Printed by Cape Times,   1959. G 6873 FLC.59.LAWS

Bechuanaland Protectorate.    The laws of the Bechuanaland Protectorate, containing the orders-in-council, proclamations and notices made thereunder, in force on the 1st day of January, 1948    London :   C.F. Rowroth,   1949. G 6873 FLC.49.LAWS

Bechuanaland Protectorate.    Orders in Council and proclamations, 30th June, 1890 to 31st December, 1929.    Kimberley :   printed by Mark Henderson,   1930. G 6873 FLC.30.ORDE

Bechuanaland Protectorate.    Orders in Council and High Commissioner's proclamations and notices, issued during the period from the 9th May, 1891, to the 30th June, 1914 /    Mafeking, Cape Province :   Mafeking Mail, printers,   1915. G 6873 FLC.15.ORDE

Bechuanaland (South Africa). Proclamations (numbers 1 to 185) together with appendices containing certain acts of the Cape Parliament and the more important government notices, 1885-1893. Cape Town: W. A. Richards & Sons, Government Printers, 1898.  Shelf no. G 6873 FLC.1898.PROC

Bechuanaland Protectorate.    Proclamations (numbers 1 to 185) together with appendixes containing certain acts of the Cape Parliament and the more important government notices ... 1885-1893 /    Grahamstown,   J. Slater, Printer,   1893. G 6873 FLC.1893.PROC