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African Legislation : Library Guide: Mauritius

Guide to legislation in print and online


Mauritius.    Codes annotés de l'Ile Maurice.    Port Louis, Mauritius :   Best Graphics,   1998. Shelf no. G 6982 FL.COMM.98.CODE


Mauritius.    The Prevention of Corruption Act, 2002 :   Act no. 5 of 2002.    [Port Louis, Mauritius :   Government Printer?,   2002?]. Shelf no. G 6982 FL.CORR.2002

Criminal law

Mauritius.    Codes annotés de l'Ile Maurice.    [Port Louis, Mauritius :   Best Graphics,   1994]. Shelf no. G 6982 FL.PENA.94.CODE


Mauritius.    The Food Act 1998 :   (Reprint).    [Mauritius :   s.n.,   1999]. Shelf no. G 6982 FR.FOOD.99.FOOD

Government gazettes

Mauritius.    The Government gazette of Mauritius, No. 20 (March 2005) onwards .    Port Louis :   Govt. Printer. Mauritius. Shelf no. G 6982 G  

Mauritius.    Legal supplement to the Government gazette of Mauritius. Acts, No. 1 of 2005 onwards.  [Port Louis] :   Govt. Printer.  Shelf no. G 6982 G.ACTS  

Mauritius.    Legal supplement to the Government gazette of Mauritius. Government notices, No. 34 of 2005 onwards.   [Port Louis] :   Govt. Printer. Shelf no. G 6982 G.GOVE

Mauritius. Legal supplement to the Government gazette of Mauritius. [Government notices] (Rodrigues Regional Assembly) No. 1 of 2008 onwards. --    [Port Louis] : Govt. Printer. Shelf no. G 6982 G.RODR

Mauritius.    Legal supplement to the Government gazette of Mauritius.  Proclamations, No. 9 of 2005 onwards. Port Louis :   Govt. Printer. Shelf no. G 6982 G.PROC

Mauritius.    Special legal supplement to the Government gazette of Mauritius. Bills,  No. 7 of 2005 onwards. [Port Louis] :   Govt. Printer. Shelf no. G 6982 G.BILL


Attorney-General's Office. Laws of Mauritius. Scroll down to foot of screen.

National Assembly. Acts Passed & Gazetted. From 2009 onwards.


Mauritius. Revised laws of Mauritius. Durban: LexisNexis, 2019? Shelf no. G 6982 FLC.2019.REVI

Mauritius.    Revised laws of Mauritius.    Durban :   LexisNexis Butterworths,   December 2010. Shelf no. G 6982 FLC.2009

Mauritius.    The Mauritius laws, 1996 :   being a collection of constitutional documents and of the statutes of Mauritius as at 1 August 1996 /    [Port Louis] Mauritius :   Best Graphics Ltd.,   1996. Shelf no. G 6982 FLC.1996

 Mauritius. Subsidiary Legislation of Mauritius, 2004. Black River, Mauritius: V-Street, 2005. Shelf no. GZCD 6982 FL.LEGI.2004

Mauritius. Subsidiary legislation of general application under the legislative enactments of Mauritius in force on the 30th day of June, 1945. London: Waterlow & Sons, 1946.

Mauritius.    Supplement to the labour laws of Mauritius 1992 & Mauritius laws 1996 :   (as at 31 December 1996) /    [Port Louis] Mauritius :   Best Graphics Ltd.,   1997. Shelf no. G 6982 FLC.1996.SUPP