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Health Sciences Undergraduate Library Guide

Points to remember for your reference list

The examples on this page are based on UCT author-date style of referencing.

  • At the end of your essay you should list all the books or articles that you have cited in that essay
  • Full details of all your sources should be given
  • List of references is arranged alphabetically by author, editor (abbreviate to 'Ed') or by title (if there is no author or editor)
  • List up to eight authors, if there are more than eight, list the first eight followed by 'et al.'
  • You may indent the second and subsequent lines so that each entry is a hanging paragraph or you may display your entries in block form but please be consistent.


Example of  a list of references

Clements, L. & Reid, J. 2008. Disabled people and the

    right to life. London: Routledge.

Hallawell, B. et al. 2012. Physical activity and

    learning disability. British Journal of Nursing. 21(10):609-


Kornblau, B.L. 2012. Ethics in rehabilitation: a clinical

    perspective. New York: Wiley.

Zweigenthal, V., Puoane, T., Reynolds, L., London, L., Coetzee, D., Alperstein, M., Duncan, M., Atkins, S. et al. 2009. Primary health care: fresh perspectives. Cape 

    Town: Pearson-Prentice  Hall.