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Health Sciences Undergraduate Library Guide

Acts of Parliament

In List of References

Nursing Act 33 of 2005. 2005. Available:  [2013, January 10].     N.B. Indicate date the site was visited

In-text Citation

(Nursing Act 33 of 2005, 2005:s18).

Reports, guidelines, etc

In List of References

Department of Health. 2012. National contraception clinical guidelines.

    Available:  [2013, February 9].

In-text Citation

(Department of Health, 2012:14)


In List of References

National Committee for Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths. 2010. Saving mothers 2008-2010:

    fifth report on the confidential  enquiries into maternal deaths in South Africa: comprehensive report.


     [2013, February 9].

In-text Citation

(National Committee for Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths, 2010:45)

Bill of Rights

In List of References

Bill of Rights. 1996. In Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. Available:      [2013, March 10]


In-text Citation

(Bill of Rights, 1996)

Provincial and Municipal


(Western Cape Government. Provincial Treasury, 2012)

In List of References

Western Cape Government. Provincial Treasury. 2012. Regional development profile: Overberg District. Working paper. Available: 

[2014, May 6].


(City of Cape Town, 2012)

In List of References

City of Cape Town. 2012. Cape Flats district plans. Available:   [2014, May 6].