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Health Sciences Undergraduate Library Guide

Reference list

References cited in-text must appear in the reference list and vice versa. Do not include any sources in the reference list that you have not cited in the text.

Your reference list should contains the full details of the information sources that you have cited.

List up to 20 authors in the reference list.

For resources with 21 or more authors, list the first 19, followed by ellipsis (…) and the last author’s name.

List of references is arranged alphabetically by surname of the author, editor (abbreviate to 'Ed.') or by title (if there is no author or editor)

Italicise book titles, journal titles, and volume numbers. 

You must indent the second and subsequent lines so that each entry is a hanging paragraph (see below). 

To create a hanging indent in your List of References

  • highlight the text you want to format
  • right click and choose Paragraph
  • go to Special and choose Hanging in the drop down menu
  • click OK


Example of  a list of references

Avolio, B. J., & Gardner, W. L. (2005). Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership.

     The Leadership Quarterly, 16, 315-338.

Clements, L., & Reid, J. (2008). Disabled people and the right to life. Routledge.

Counts, C. S., &  American Nephrology Nurses' Association. (2008). Core curriculum for nephrology nursing. (5th ed.).

      American Nephrology Nurses' Association.

Lancellotti, K. (2008). Culture care theory: A framework for expanding awareness of diversity and racism in nursing    

       education. Journal of Professional Nursing24, 179-183.       

Lissauer, T., Clayden, G., & Craft, A. (2012). Illustrated textbook of paediatrics. (4th ed.). Mosby.

Lloyd, A. (2002). Theoretical analysis of the reality of children's rights in Africa: An introduction to the African Charter on the Rights

      and Welfare of the Child. African Human Rights Law Journal, 2, 11-32.

Zweigenthal, V., Puoane, T., Reynolds, L., London, L., Coetzee, D., Alperstein, M., Duncan, M., Loveday, M., Atkins, S., & Hutchings, C. (2009). Primary health care: Fresh perspectives. Pearson-Prentice  Hall.