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Health Sciences Undergraduate Library Guide

Book with a single author


Author, A. (Date). Title in italics (only first word of title is capitalized)  (Edition) (if not the first). Publisher.


List of References

Southorn, N. (2010). The student’s companion to physiotherapy :  A survival guide . Elsevier.

In-text citation

(Southorn, 2010)

(Southorn, 2010, p. 54) - direct quote


Book with two authors


Author Surname, Initial(s)., & Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year). Book title: Subtitle



List of References

Benjamin, M., & Curtis, J. (2010). Ethics in nursing: Cases, principles, and reasoning (4th ed.).

Oxford University Press.

In-text citation

(Benjamin & Curtis, 2010).

Corporate or group author

Book produced by a group, corporation or organization will appear as follows:

List of References

Soweto Trust for Nurse Clinical Training. (2005). Primary clinical care handbook (4th ed.). Jacana.

In-text citation

(Soweto Trust for Nurse Clinical Training, 2005).


Book with three to 20 authors

Reference list entries for book resource with multiple authors can include up to 20 authors' names.

For books with 21 or more authors, include the first 19 authors, then insert an ellipsis (three dots) and then add the final author


Author Surname, Initial(s)., Author Surname, Initial(s)., & Author Surname, Initial(s). (Year). 

Book title: Subtitle. Publisher. 


List of References

Zweigenthal, V., Puoane, T., Reynolds, L., London, L., Coetzee, D., Alperstein, M., Duncan, M.,

Loveday, M., Atkins, S., & Hutchings, C. (2009). Primary health care: Fresh perspectives.

Pearson-Prentice Hall. 

In-text citation

(Zweigenthal et al., 2009)

Edited book

If there is an editor instead of an author, insert the editor's name in the place of the author's, followed by (Ed.) or (Eds.) for more than one editor. 


Editor Surname, Initial(s). (Ed.). (Year). Book title. Publisher. 


List of References

Dixon, M., Crawford, D., Teasdale, D., & Murphy, J. (Eds.). (2009). Nursing the highly dependent child

or infant: A manual of care. Wiley-Blackwell.  

In-text citation

 (Dixon et al., 2009)