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Researching South African Law Library Guide: Home

This guide is intended to assist you in researching South African law.

Access to Resources

If you are working from off campus - all you need to sign in is with your UCT student number and password.

Certain resources require a password - please contact the Law Library to get this information

Introduction to Legal Sources

Primary Sources:

These are the law itself. It can be found within legislation, the common law and within cases (particularly those that have set a precedent).

Cases and legislation can be found both in print and online (via LexisNexis, Juta, Sabinet). The common law derives from both English law as well as Roman Dutch law - this can be found in the commentaries of the authorities - found in print.



                                                              Secondary Sources:

This is commentary on the law. Usually found in opinion pieces by legal authority figures such as journal articles or books. Journal articles can be accessed electronically using the UCT e-Journal portal and books can be found using the UCT Aleph catalogue.


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Anthea Paulsen
Brand van Zyl Law Library
+27 21 650 1261
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