The Law Faculty has its own citation and style guide - consult this guide first as it contains how to reference specific legal materials.
Please note the new Plagiarism Cover Sheet from the faculty is separate to this guide.
UCT uses the UCT-Harvard citation format.
A link to the guide for the UCT-harvard citation is below.
There are different bibliographic tools that one can use to download citations and easily insert them into your writing. The Library currently subscribes to Refworks and EndNote, but there are free tools available such as Zotero and Mendeley. A useful guide to EndNote from Clarivate can be found in this libguide which contains tutorials displaying the different features of the different tools.
For any more information, contact the reference librarians at the Law Library.
These are style sheets for use in EndNote for a number of law styles, including the SALJ style:
This useful guide is the standard for articles seeking submission into the South African Law Journal.
A quick guide explaining the basic legal citations of legal materials such as cases is also available.