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How to find information - a guide for Accounting and Auditing students

Accounting and Auditing

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This guide is intended to assist students to acquire life-long learning skills so that they are enabled to use library resources easily and without difficulties.

Use this guide to explore resources relating to Accounting and Auditing. There are separate tabs for print books and theses, databases, as well as some suggestions for helpful web resources.

If you are having problems finding suitable information or just need help getting started please contact me via EMAIL.

Library help

Whether you are working on your assignment, essay, tutorial or project, not knowing how to find resources or simply do not understanding how referencing works, we are here to help you no matter what. Reach out and get to know your librarians or just Ask a Librarian online. You will be amazed at how much support we can give you. Wishing you all the best for your academic year and don’t forget UCT Libraries is always there to assist.


College of Accounting

For more information on programmes and courses offered by the College of Accounting please see their website.

Accounting is the language used to record business transactions. Financial reports are used by investors, management, entrepreneurs, lenders, financial analysts and government bodies. Accountants record transactions and use summarised information to communicate financial information to stakeholders.

It is not necessary to have done Accounting at school if you wish to do  Accounting at UCT. University accounting differs from school accounting in that it focuses on the decisions involved in the preparation of accounts as opposed to the mechanics of recording. Successful accountants can think logically, communicate effectively and enjoy working with people; they behave ethically and have a willingness to develop sound judgement.

An Accounting specialisation is useful for anyone who wishes to prepare for a career in business or in the accounting profession. With this qualification, you will be able to work in any size or type of organisation and in any employment sector in any country. Successful professional accountants must be able to think logically, laterally and strategically.


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Nuroo Davids
Level 5, Chancellor Oppenheimer Library