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NISH (NITAG Support Hub) 2: Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy/confidence in Africa: Benin (French)

This Library Guide contains published and unpublished information on vaccine hesitancy and related issues in the context of COVID-19 vaccination in Subsaharan Africa

Web of Science

Pubmed : Covid-19 AND "vaccination hesitancy" AND Benin

Avahoundje, E.M., Dossou, J.P., Vigan, A., Gaye, I., Agossou, C., Boyi, C., Bello, K., Mikponhoue, J., Ba, M.F., Faye, A. and Ridde, V., 2022. Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine intention in Benin in 2021: a cross-sectional study. Vaccine: X, p.100237.
Udoakang, A.J., Djomkam Zune, A.L., Tapela, K., Owoicho, O., Fagbohun, I.K., Anyigba, C.A., Lowe, M., Nganyewo, N.N., Keneme, B., Olisaka, F.N. and Henry-Ajala, A.N., 2022. Knowledge, attitude and perception of West Africans towards COVID-19: a survey to inform public health intervention. BMC public health, 22(1), pp.1-12.

Mutombo, P.N., Fallah, M.P., Munodawafa, D., Kabel, A., Houeto, D., Goronga, T., Mweemba, O., Balance, G., Onya, H., Kamba, R.S. and Chipimo, M., 2022. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Africa: a call to action. The Lancet Global Health, 10(3), pp.e320-e321.

Google Scholar

Bono, S.A., Faria de Moura Villela, E., Siau, C.S., Chen, W.S., Pengpid, S., Hasan, M.T., Sessou, P., Ditekemena, J.D., Amodan, B.O., Hosseinipour, M.C. and Dolo, H., 2021. Factors affecting COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: an international survey among low-and middle-income countries. Vaccines, 9(5), p.515.
Bunch, L., 2021, June. A tale of two crises: addressing Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy as promoting racial justice. In Hec Forum (Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 143-154). Springer Netherlands. (Not OA)
Sallam, M., Al-Sanafi, M. and Sallam, M., 2022. A global map of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rates per country: an updated concise narrative review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 15, p.21.
