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NISH (NITAG Support Hub) 2: Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy/confidence in Africa: Cote d'Ivoire OR Ivory Coast (French)

This Library Guide contains published and unpublished information on vaccine hesitancy and related issues in the context of COVID-19 vaccination in Subsaharan Africa

Pubmed : Covid-19 AND "vaccine hesitancy" AND Cote d'Ivoire

Paquin Kouassi D, Irika O, Soumahoro SI, Coulibaly M, Yao GHA, Deby Kouame A, Yeo S, Ouaga JM. Acceptabilité de la vaccination contre la COVID-19 chez les professionnels de santé en Côte d’Ivoire, 2021. Sante Publique. 2022;34(4):549-556. French. doi: 10.3917/spub.224.0549. PMID: 36577681. (Not OA)
Tibbels NJ, Dosso A, Fordham C, Benie W, Brou JA, Kamara D, Hendrickson ZM, Naugle DA. "On the last day of the last month, I will go": A qualitative exploration of COVID-19 vaccine confidence among Ivoirian adults. Vaccine. 2022 Feb 11:S0264-410X(22)00166-9. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.02.032. Epub ahead of print

Google Scholar

Arshad, F., Schuemie, M.J., Minty, E.P., Alshammari, T.M., Lai, L.Y., Duarte-Salles, T., Fortin, S., Nyberg, F., Ryan, P.B., Hripcsak, G. and Prieto-Alhambra, D., 2022. Best of intent, worst of both worlds: why sequentially combining epidemiological designs does not improve signal detection in vaccine safety surveillance. medRxiv. (Pre-print - not peer-reviewed)
Gbashi, S., Adebo, O.A., Doorsamy, W. and Njobeh, P.B., 2021. Systematic delineation of media polarity on COVID-19 vaccines in Africa: computational linguistic modeling study. JMIR medical informatics, 9(3), p.e22916.
Harmon, S.H., Faour, D. and MacDonald, N., 2021. National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs): A schema for evaluating and comparing foundation instruments and NITAG operations. Medical Law International, 21(1), pp.69-98. (Not OA)
Sallam, M., Al-Sanafi, M. and Sallam, M., 2022. A global map of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance rates per country: an updated concise narrative review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 15, p.21.


Web of Science

WHO Africa

Ghana shares success story in Covid-19 vaccine rollout  with Cote d'Ivoire