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NISH (NITAG Support Hub) 4 - HPV OR Human Papillomavirus Vaccines: Home

This Library Guide is a collection of useful documents & evidence on the efficacy, effectiveness and impact of the HPV OR Papillomavirus vaccine to support NITAG members and other policy makers throughout Africa with making evidence-based recommendations


This Library Guide is a collection of useful documents & evidence on the efficacy, effectiveness and impact of the HPV OR Human Papillomavirus vaccines to support NITAG members and other policy makers throughout Africa with making evidence-based recommendations. 

PICO used for search terms


P - Population

Africa [MeSH] OR Africa South of the Sahara [MeSH]


Africa OR African OR Algeria OR Angola OR Benin OR Botswana OR "Burkina Faso" OR Burundi OR “Cabo Verde” OR Cameroon OR Cameroun OR "Canary Islands" OR "Cape Verde"  OR "Central African Republic" OR Chad OR Comoros OR Congo OR "Cote d'Ivoire" OR "Democratic Republic of Congo" OR Djibouti OR Egypt OR Eritrea OR eSwatini OR Ethiopia OR Gabon OR Gambia OR Ghana OR Guinea OR Guinea- Bissau OR "Ivory Coast" OR Jamahiriya OR Kenya OR Lesotho OR Liberia OR Libya OR Madagascar OR Malawi OR Mali OR Mauritania OR Mauritius OR Mayotte OR Morocco OR Mozambique OR Namibia OR Niger OR Nigeria OR Principe OR Reunion OR Rwanda OR “Saint Helena” OR “Sao Tome” OR Senegal OR Seychelles OR “Sierra Leone” OR Somalia OR  “St Helena” OR Sudan OR Swaziland OR Tanzania OR Togo OR Tunisia OR Uganda OR “Western Sahara” OR Zaire OR Zambia OR Zimbabwe

I Intervention

HPV : (vaccine OR vaccines OR vaccination OR immunization) AND (HPV OR Human Papillomavirus OR Human Papilloma-virus)

C Comparison

No vaccine

O Outcome

efficacy OR effectiveness OR safety

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Useful documents & evidence on the HPV OR Papillomavirus vaccine 

HPV Image

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) | The Well Project

HPV OR Human Papillomavirus infection

HPV is a sexually transmitted infection. HPV stands for human papillomavirus. It’s very common. Many people don't have any symptoms, and the infection might go away on its own. But some types of HPV can lead to cervical cancer, head and neck cancer, or cancer of the anus or penis.

HPV isn’t just one virus. There are more than 100 kinds, and some are riskier than others.

Types of HPV

Each human papillomavirus has its own number or type. The term "papilloma" refers to a kind of wart that results from some HPV types.

HPV lives in thin, flat cells called epithelial cells. These are found on the skin's surface. They’re also found on the surface of the vagina, anus, vulva, cervix and head of the penis. They’re also found inside the mouth and throat.

About 60 of the 100 HPV types cause warts on areas like the hands or feet. The other 40 or so enter the body during sexual contact. They’re drawn to the body's mucous membranes, such as the moist layers around the anus and genitals.

Not all of the 40 sexually transmitted human papillomaviruses cause serious health problems.


High-risk HPV strains include HPV 16 and 18, which cause about 70% of cervical cancers. Other high-risk human papillomaviruses include 31, 33, 45, 52, 58, and a few others.

Low-risk HPV strains, such as HPV 6 and 11, cause about 90% of genital warts, which rarely develop into cancer. These growths can look like bumps. Sometimes, they’re shaped like cauliflower. The warts can show up weeks or months after you’ve had sex with an infected partner.

WHO publications on HPV