Library Guides or LibGuides are online repositories of literature and other resources. They are usually created by librarians to collect and organise literature to guide the user through information available on a particular topic.
The NISH LibGuides have been developed to support National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) in Africa to easily access relevant literature to support evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) on a specific vaccine or immunisation related topic. A LibGuide is a reliable source of specific reviewed literature . LibGuides contain published, scholarly peer-reviewed articles and grey literature, such as reports and visual presentations from all available databases and resources, including PubMed, the WHO, and Cochrane on vaccines and immunization in Africa. For NITAG members looking for specific literature, a LibGuide can provide a basic fundamental resource.
The LibGuides resource is a collaboration between NISH and UCT Libraries at the University of Cape Town. Subject specific LibGuides are continuously being updated and include open-access literature (OA). OA refers to free unrestricted use of electronic resources for everyone. Where possible, non-OA articles can be made available on request by the NITAGs.