The LibGuide aims to collect, organise and share literature, data, information and knowledge that are relevant for NISH in order to conduct EIDM options. LibGuides permit for easy navigation through relevant resources in the vaccination subject field, particularly in the African context. Two such guides on Malaria and HPV vaccines have been developed to support NITAGs in making country specific recommendations (see LibGuide 2 and LibGuide 3)
The priority elements used to access the relevant information will be included in the guide include:
A) Based on a broad PICO(T)question
B) Africa focused including country level literature
C) Literature search from multiple databases: Pubmed, Africa-Wide, CINAHL…….
D) Full text available for download whenever possible
E) Updated regularly
For example:
What are the causes of vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Africa?
P : Population eg all persons in the Africa region
I : Intervention eg vaccination / immunization roll-out
C : Comparison eg none
O : Outcome eg Causes of Vaccination refusal/hesitancy/acceptance/confidence
T : Time frame (sometimes)
Some articles are marked with "(Not OA)", which means that they are behind a paywall. Please contact us, so that we can attempt to access the articles differently.
Important notice :
MedRxiv and bioRxiv posts many COVID19-related papers. A reminder: they have not been formally peer-reviewed and should not guide health-related behavior or be reported in the press as conclusive.!
The main objective of the LibGuide is to keep participants up to date with latest developments in the Vaccination for and in Africa field. Tabs in the LibGuide will let researchers select African countries and lead them and decision makers to the relevant databases the latest articles, information and reports. Databases used to access information include Pubmed, Africa-Wide and CINAHL, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo, MEDLINE, Health Source: Nursing, Cochrane, Google Scholar, UptoDate and OpenUCT
How bibliographic databases are searched effectively:
We use keywords, subject terms and Boolean operators to tell a database how to combine search terms. Boolean operators are used to configure searches to find more precise and relevant results.
We call this a search strategy
Find, identify appropriate keywords, subject terms and Boolean operators AND OR NOR
Example 1:
vaccines AND hesitancy
...where A stands for "vaccine" and B stands for "hesitancy"
The orange part in the middle will be the result list.
Example 2:
The orange part will be the result list. (much larger than in example 1)
All keywords and phrases possible must be identified by way of using Thesauri, Google Scholar, subject headings
We use truncation or wildcards (*?) to make sure to find everything.
A search strategy is an organised structure of key terms used to search a database. The search strategy combines the key concepts of your sear
A search string
is a combination of keywords, truncation symbols, and boolean operators you enter into the search box of a library database or search engine