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Library & Information Science Library Guide: Looking for Articles

A guide to the resources in UCT Libraries

Where to start ...

PRIMO will tell you which journals and books we have access to, and will also provide links to the fulltext of some articles and chapters.    

One of the most effective ways to find articles on topics related to Librarianship is to use the databases.

Databases  collect, organise and index information from journals, books, book chapters, theses and dissertations, magazines and other sources.   

Search for articles using databases by typing in keywords that describe your topic.

It is possible to search across a whole range of databases at one time for articles on a particular subject.   Many of these articles will be immediately available in full text, but some only as abstracts (summaries) or citations.    Not all these articles will be available at UCT Libraries,  so you may need to ask Interlibrary Loans to obtain the article for you from another library.



Looking for articles

You're looking for a particular article in a specific journal. 

To check whether the library subscribes to that title,  check the  journals list  on PRIMO.


If the title does not appear,  then ask for assistance at Ask-A-Librarian.  We can check the South African Catalogue to see whether another library subscribes to the title, and a request can be placed at Interlibrary Loans for a copy to be sent for you.


You're looking for articles on a specific topic.

Use the libraries' databases to locate articles.   Ask at Ask-A-Librarian or email your subject librarian for advice on which would be the best databases to use,  or check out the next tab "Databases"