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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Home

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies

Policy documents list, 1994-2013


CapeNature. Draft 2024 Western Cape Protected Areas Expansion Strategy. Cape Town: Western Cape Government, CapeNature, 2024. Released for comment in January 2025.

South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. White paper for human settlements, December 2024. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, January 2025. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 52013 (31 January 2025), notice no. 5801. 

South Africa. Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. [Draft] National elephant heritage strategy for South Africa, 2024-2034. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, January 2025. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 52004 (27 January 2025), Government notice no. 5787. For comment. 


The Western Cape Provincial Government has recently replaced its website. This means that most publications now have broken links. If you substitute d7 for www in the URL, you should find the publications. 

Jagger Library Fire of 18 April 2021

Our collection of policy documents was lost in the Jagger Library Fire of 18 April 2021. If you need a title that is not online, we will request a copy from another library. 

Documents saved from the fire or received since will have shelf numbers in green.

Reference book

 Fox, W., M. S. Bayat, and I. W. Ferreira. A Guide to Managing Public Policy  Cape Town: Juta, 2006. Main Library Shelf no. 320.6 GUID.


South Africa. Presidency. National policy development framework 2020. Pretoria: The Presidency, 2020.

 Shaxson, L., Datta, A., Tshangela, M. and Matomela, B. (2016) Understanding the organisational context for evidence-informed policy-making. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs; and London: Overseas Development Institute. (Working paper)

 Wills, A., M. Tshangela, N. Bohler-Muller, A. Datta, N. Funke, L. Godfrey, B. Matomela, G. Pienaary, N. Pophiwa, L. Shaxson, W. Strydom and Ke, Y. (2016) Evidence and policy in South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs and London: Overseas Development Institute. (Report)

Wills, A., Tshangela, M., Shaxson, L., Datta, A., and Matomela, B. (2016) Guidelines and good practices for evidence-informed policymaking in a government department. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs; and London: Overseas Development Institute. (Report)

World Health Organization. A framework for national health policies, strategies and plans. Geneva: World Health Organization, June 2010.

Overview Paper:  What is Evidence-Based Policy-Making and Implementation? [Pretoria : Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation,] October 2014. 


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Laureen Rushby
Tel. 021 650 4686