South Africa. Department of Health. National HIV testing services: policy, 2016. Pretoria: Department of Health, 2016.
South African National AIDS Council. The South African multi-sector framework for HIV, TB & STI response. Pretoria: South African National AIDS Council, 2024.
South Africa. Partnership Framework Implementation Plan in Support of South Africa’s National HIV, STI & TB Response 2012/13 – 2016/17 between The Government of the Republic of South Africa and The Government of the United States of America. [United States: United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 2012?]
South Africa. Dept. of Health. Monitoring and Evaluation Unit. Monitoring and evaluation framework for the Comprehensive HIV and AIDS Care, Management and Treatment Programme for South Africa. [Pretoria]; Department of Health?, 2004. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.04.MONI
Western Cape. Department of Health and Wellness. [Draft?] Provincial Implementation Plan for the National Strategic Plan in HIV, TB and STIs 2023–2028. Cape Town: Department of Health and Wellness, 2023? 114 pages.
Western Cape. Department of Health and Wellness. [Draft?] Provincial Implementation Plan for the National Strategic Plan in HIV, TB and STIs 2023–2028. Cape Town: Department of Health and Wellness, 2023? 91 pages.
Eastern Cape AIDS Council. The Eastern Cape Provincial HIV & AIDS and STI strategic plan of action, 2007 - 2011. [Eastern Cape] : Eastern Cape AIDS Council, 2007?
Gauteng (South Africa). Department of Health. Gauteng strategic plan on HIV, TB and STIs for 2012 to 2016. Marshalltown : Department of Health, 2012?
KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa). Multi-Sectoral Response Plan for HIV, TB and STIs for KwaZulu-Natal Province, 2017-2022.
KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa). Office of the Premier. Chief Directorate: HIV and AIDS. Multi-Sectoral Provincial Strategic Plan for HIV and AIDS, STIs and TB 2012-2016 for KwaZulu-Natal. Pietermaritzburg : Office of the Premier, 2012.
Western Cape (South Africa). Department of Health. Provincial Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS, STIs and TB, 2012-2016. Cape Town : Department of Health, 2012?
South Africa. Department of Health. Health sector HIV prevention strategy, 2016. Pretoria : Department of Health, 2016. (Broken link.)
These progress reports haven't been updated since circa 2017.
South African National AIDS Council. Enhanced progress report : National strategic plan on HIV, STIs and TB (2012-2016). Pretoria : SANAC, March 2016.
South African National AIDS Council. Provincial progress reports.
South Africa. National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB and STIs, 2023-2028. [Pretoria: South African National AIDS Council, 2023.]
South African National AIDS Council. Draft National Strategic Plan for HIV, TB, STIs, 2023-2028. Pretoria: SANAC, [2023.]
South African National AIDS Council. Midterm review of the National strategic plan for HIV, TB and STIs, 2017-2022. Pretoria: SANAC, December 2019.
South African National AIDS Council. Let our actions count : South Africa's national strategic plan for HIV, TB and STIs, 2017-2022. Pretoria : SANAC, 2017.
South African National AIDS Council. Let our actions count : South Africa's national strategic plan for HIV, TB and STIs, 2017-2022: summary. Pretoria : SANAC, 2017.
South African National AIDS Council. Let our actions count : South Africa's national strategic plan for HIV, TB and STIs, 2017-2022. What is the NSP?. Pretoria : SANAC, 2017. (brochure.)
South African National AIDS Council. Monitoring and evaluation plan for the National strategic plan for HIV, TB and STIs, 2017-2022. Pretoria : SANAC, 2017
South African National AIDS Council. Draft 2 South African National Strategic Plan on HIV, TB and STIs, 2017-2022. Pretoria : SANAC, 2017.
South African National AIDS Council. Let our actions count : reflections on NSP, 2012-2016 and moving forward to the NSP, 2017-2022. Pretoria : SANAC, 2017.
South African National AIDS Council. National strategic plan for HIV and AIDS, STIs and TB, 2012-2016. Pretoria : SANAC, 2011. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.11.NATI HIV and AIDS and STI strategic plan for South Africa, 2007-2011. May be the final version. South African National AIDS Council. HIV and AIDS and STI strategic plan for South Africa, 2007-2011. Pretoria : SANAC, [2007?]. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.07.HIVA. May be a draft. South Africa. Department of Health. Broad frame-work for HIV & AIDS and STI strategic plan for South Africa, 2007-2011. Pretoria : Department of Health, November 2006. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.06.BROA South Africa. Dept. of Health. HIV/AIDS & STD strategic plan for South Africa, 2000-2005. [Pretoria : Dept. of Health, 2000?]. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.00.HIVA National AIDS Convention of South Africa A national AIDS plan for South Africa, 1994-1995. Sunnyside, Johannesburg : National Secretariat, 1994. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.94.NATI |
South Africa. Department of Public Service and Administration. HIV & AIDS and TB management policy for the public service. Pretoria : Department of Public Service and Administration, [2012?]
South Africa. Department of Public Service and Administration. HIV & AIDS and TB management policy for the public service. Pretoria : Department of Public Service and Administration, [2010?]
South Africa. Public Service Commission. Directorate: Strategic Human Resource Research and Reviews. Report on the evaluation of the policy framework on managing HIV and AIDS in the public service. Pretoria : Public Service Commission, 2006. Shelf no. G 68 E.PUBL.06.EVAL
South African National AIDS Council. South Africa's national sex worker HIV, TB and STI plan, 2019-2022. Pretoria: SANAC, 2019.
South Africa. Department of Health, South African National AIDS Council. South African National LGBTI HIV Plan, 2017-2022. Pretoria: Department of Health, 2017.
South African National AIDS Council. The South African national sex worker HIV plan, 2016-2019. Pretoria: SANAC, 2016.
Operational plan for comprehensive HIV and AIDS care, management and treatment for South Africa. [Pretoria? : Department of Health] , 2003. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.03.OPER
South Africa. Dept. of Health. Monitoring and Evaluation Unit. Monitoring and evaluation framework for the Comprehensive HIV and AIDS Care, Management and Treatment Programme for South Africa. [Pretoria]; Department of Health?, 2004. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.04.MONI
South Africa. Dept. of Health. Monitoring and Evaluation Unit. Monitoring review : progress report on the implementation of the Comprehensive HIV and AIDS Care, Management and Treatment Plan for South Africa. [Pretoria? : Department of Health], 2004. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.04.MONI
Higher Education HIV/AIDS Programme. HIV monitoring and evaluation framework for higher education. Pretoria: Higher Education HIV/AIDS Programme, 2013.
Higher Education HIV/AIDS Programme. Policy and strategic framework on HIV and AIDS for higher education. Pretoria: Higher Education HIV/AIDS Programme, 2012.
Higher Education HIV/AIDS Programme. Framework for HIV and AIDS workplace programme for higher education in South Africa, 2009. Pretoria: Higher Education HIV/AIDS Programme, 2010.
Higher Education HIV/AIDS Programme. Policy framework on HIV and AIDS for higher education in South Africa. [Pretoria : Higher Education South Africa, 2008]. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.08.POLI
South Africa. Dept. of Basic Education. DBE national policy on HIV, STIs and TB, June 2017. (Replaces the 1999 policy.) Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.17.DBEN Also in South Africa. Government gazette no. 41024 (4 Auugust 2017), notice no. 777.
South Africa. Department of Basic Education. Draft Department of Basic Education national policy on HIV, STIs and TB 2015. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, 2015. In; South Africa. Government gazette no. 38763 (5 May 2015), General notice 395 of 2015.
Kumalo, F. Unpacking the DBE National Policy on HIV, STIs and TB: a Bold New Approach to HIV & TB in the Basic Education Sector. Presentation at the SA AIDS Conference, 14 June 2017.
South Africa. Department of Basic Education. National Policy on HIV, STIs and TB for Learners, Educators, School Support Staff and Officials in all Primary and Secondary Schools in the Basic Education Sector. Pretoria: Department of Basic Education. 2017.
South Africa. Dept. of Basic Education. Integrated strategy on HIV and AIDS, 2012-2016. Pretoria : Dept. of Basic Education, 2012.
South Africa. Dept. of Basic Education. Draft integrated strategy on HIV and AIDS, 2012-2016 : full report. Pretoria : Department of Basic Education, 2010. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.10.DRAF
South Africa. Dept. of Education National policy on HIV/AIDS, for learners and educators in public schools, and students and educators in further education and training institutions. Pretoria : Govt. Printer, 1999. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.99.NATI
South Africa. Dept. of Education National Education Policy Act, 1996 (no. 27 of 1996). Draft national policy on HIV/AIDS for learners and educators in public schools and students and educators in further education and training institutions. Notice no. 1926 of 1999.
South Africa. Dept. of Education National Education Policy Act, 1996 (no. 27 of 1996) : ... the draft national policy on HIV/AIDS for learners and educators in public schools and students and educators in further education and training institutions. Pretoria : Govt. Printer, 1998. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.98.NATI