South Africa. Dept. of Human Settlements. National housing policy and subsidy programmes. Pretoria : Department of Human Settlements, 2010. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.10.NATI South Africa. Dept. of Human Settlements. MEIA policy and implementation framework for the human settlements sector, 2019/20-2023/24. Pretoria : Department of Human Settlements, 2019? South Africa. Dept. of Human Settlements. Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment, 2013/2014-2018/2019: policy & implementation framework for the human settlements sector. Pretoria : Department of Human Settlements, 2013? South Africa. Dept. of Human Settlements. Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment (MEIA) policy & implementation framework for the human settlements sector. Pretoria : Department of Human Settlements, 2010. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.10.MONI South Africa. Dept. of Housing. People's housing process policy. Pretoria: Dept. of Housing, 2009? South Africa. Dept. of Housing. Breaking new ground. [Pretoria : Department of Housing, 2004]. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.04.BREA |
South Africa. Dept. of Human Settlements. "Breaking new ground" A comprehensive plan for the development of sustainable human settlements. Republication of 2004 plan.
South Africa. Dept. of Housing. National housing policy : supporting the peoples' housing process. [Pretoria?] : The Dept., 1998. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.98.NATI
South Africa. Dept. of Housing. Policy framework and implementation guidelines for the People’s Housing Process (PHP) delivery mechanism. September 2005.
South Africa. Ministry of Housing. Housing the nation : doing justice to delivery. [Cape Town? : The Ministry?], 1997. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.97.HOUS
South Africa. Dept. of Housing. Multi-year housing development plan (MHDP). Pretoria : Department of Housing, 2008. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.08.MULT
Western Cape. Department of Environmental and Development Planning. Western Cape Government inclusionary housing policy framework. Cape Town: Department of Environmental and Development Planning, October 2022.
Western Cape. Draft Western Cape inclusionary housing policy framework. Cape Town: Department of Environmental and Development Planning, May 2021.
City of Cape Town. Inclusionary housing: concept document. [Cape Town: City of Cape Town, 2019.]
South Africa. Department of Housing. Framework for an Inclusionary Housing Policy (IHP) in South Africa, June 2007
Western Cape. Department of Human Settlements. Living Cape: a Human Settlements Framework. Cape Town: Department of Human Settlements, 2019.
City of Cape Town. Integrated human settlements sector plan, 2022/23 – 2026/27.
City of Cape Town. Integrated Human Settlements Five-Year Sector Plan 2022/23 – 2026/27: 2023/24 Review (Annexure to the IDP 2022/23 – 2026/27)
City of Cape Town. [Draft] integrated human settlements sector plan, January 2022.
City of Cape Town. Human settlements strategy. Council final, May 2021.
City of Cape Town. Human settlements strategy: Council draft, May 2021.
City of Cape Town. Human settlements strategy: draft version for public comment, August 2020.
City of Cape Town. Allocation policy: housing opportunities (policy number 11969). Revised and approved: 31 March 2022.
City of Cape Town. Allocation policy: housing opportunities (policy number 11969). Revised and approved: 25 March 2015.
City of Cape Town. Issuing of housing kits policy (policy number 20005). Approved by Council: 29 May 2014.
City of Cape Town. Proactive re-blocking of informal settlements (policy number 13282). Approved by Council: 30 October 2013.
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. National Housing Code, 2009. Volume 4, part 3, Upgrading informal settlements. Pretoria: Department of Human Settlements, 2009.
Informal Settlement Strategic Programme (ISSP) for the Western Cape
Western Cape. Department of Human Settlements. From precarious settlements to dignified communities: Western Cape informal settlement strategic framework (ISSF) Final. September 2016.
Western Cape. Department of Human Settlements. From precarious settlements to dignified communities: Western Cape Informal Settlement Strategic Framework (ISSF): Implementation Plan 2016-2030. Final. September 2016.
Western Cape. Department of Human Settlements ; AIVIA. Evaluation of the implementation of the Informal Settlement Support Plan (ISSP). 1/3/25 Report, February 2022. Prepared by AIVIA (Pty) Ltd for the Western Cape Government.
Western Cape. Department of Human Settlements ; AIVIA. Evaluation of the implementation of the Informal Settlement Support Plan (ISSP). Final full report, 28 February 2022. Prepared by AIVIA (Pty) Ltd on behalf of the Western Cape Provincial Department of Human Settlements (WCDHS).
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. [Draft] White Paper for Human Settlements. November Ver. 2023. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, December 2023. In; South Africa. Government Gazette No. 49895 (18 December 2023), Government notice no. 4206.
South Africa. Dept. of Housing. White paper : a new housing policy and strategy for South Africa. Pretoria : Govt. Printer, 1994. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.94.WHIT
National Housing Summit (1994 : Botshabelo, South Africa). The Housing Accord : housing the nation : behuising vir almal. -- [Pretoria : Department of Housing?, 1994?] Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.94.HOUS
Department of Human Settlements History
Search for the National Housing Forum as an author in the Primo catalogue. The Special Collections Primary Collections includes archival material from the NHF in the Surplus People Project Archive: BC1172 C3.
South African Housing Advisory Council. Task Group on National Housing Policy and Strategy ; De Loor, J. H., chairperson. Report. Pretoria : South African Housing Advisory Council, April 1992. Cover title: Housing in South Africa : proposals on a policy and strategy. (R.P. 79/1992) Shelf no. G 68 ERP 79/1992)
Social Housing Regulatory Authority. Rent Relief Grant Disbursement Policy. Johannesburg: Social Housing Regulatory Authority, 2021.
South Africa. Department: Human Settlements. Towards a policy foundation for the development of human settlements legislation. [Pretoria] : Department: Human Settlements, [2016?]
South Africa. Department: Human Settlements. Towards a policy foundation for the development of human settlements legislation. V2.0 [Pretoria] : Department: Human Settlements, 1 November 2015.
Towards the Development of a White Paper on Human Settlements, 2016 [consultative process]
Western Cape. Department of Human Settlements. Building sustainable communities: rental housing strategy, 2010-2014.
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. National housing code, 2009. Volume 1, Simplified guide to the National housing code: the policy context. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.09.NATI
South Africa. National Planning Commission. Our future : make it work : national development plan, 2030. Chapter 8, Transforming human settlement and the space economy. Pretoria : National Planning Commission, 2012. G 68 E.PRES.12.OURF
South Africa. Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Medium-term strategic framework, 2014-2019. 6.8, Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life. Pretoria : Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, 2014.
Annexure A for outcome 8 delivery agreements : sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life. [Pretoria : Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation], 2010. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.10.ANNE
Outcome 8: Sustainable Human Settlements: Proposed Refinement (February 2016)
Science, Technology and Innovations for Sustainable Human Settlements (STI4SHS) Roadmap: A roadmap to deploy innovations and technology to achieve green, smart and sustainable human settlements in the context of 4th Industrial Revolution. Pretoria: Department of Science and Innovation ; Department of Human Settlements, [2021.]
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. Human Settlements environmental implementation plan, 2020-2025. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, February 2024. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 50105 (9 February 2024), notice no. 4353. 4th edition.
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. Environmental implementation plan: Department of Human Settlements, 2015-2020. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, September 2015. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 39164 (3 September 2015), General notice no. 880 of 2015. 3rd edition.
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. National Human Settlements Master Spatial Plan. Working Draft. September 2017
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. Concept Document: National Human Settlements Spatial Plan. August 2014.
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. Concept Note: Human Settlements Spatial Planning Framework (SPF): Final Draft. October 2014
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. Revised framework on accreditation of municipalities to administer national human settlements programmes. Pretoria: Department of Human Settlements, October 2023.
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. Monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment, 2013/2014-2018/2019: policy & implementation framework for the human settlements sector. [Pretoria: Department of Human Settlements, 2015.]
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. MTSF, 2014-2019: human settlements medium term strategic framework: sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life. [Pretoria: Department of Human Settlements, 2015?]
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. Revised Accreditation and Assignment Frameworks for Municipalities to Administer National Human Settlements Programmes: Draft. Pretoria: Department of Human Settlements, March 2017.
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. Accreditation Framework for Municipalities to Administer National Human Settlements Programmes: managing the incremental delegation of housing functions to local government. Pretoria: Department of Human Settlements, 2011?
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. National Housing Code, 2009. Volume 6, Social & rental interventions, part 3, Social housing policy. Pretoria: Department of Human Settlements, 2009.
South Africa. Department of Housing. A social housing policy for South Africa : towards an enabling environment for social housing development. [Pretoria : Department of Housing, 2003]. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.03.SOCI
South Africa. Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Impact and Implementation Evaluation of the Social Housing Programme (several documents)
South Africa. Dept. of Housing. Social housing policy review : key issues. [Pretoria : Department of Housing], 2004. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.04.SOCI
Social Housing Foundation (South Africa). Social housing policy for South Africa : towards an enabling environment for social housing development. [Johannesburg : Social Housing Foundation], 2005. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.05.SOCI
South Africa. National housing : a review of policy and progress Cape Town: Cape Times Ltd., 1947. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.47.NATI
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements. Measuring success in human settlements development: an impact evaluation study of the Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme in selected projects in South Africa. Pretoria: Department of Human Settlements, May 2011.
South Africa. Department of Human Settlements, Chief Directorate: Communication Services, issuing body. Celebrating 20 years of human settlements : bringing the Freedom Charter to life. Pretoria, South Africa : National Department of Human Settlements, [2014]. Shelf no. G 68 E.HOUS.14.CELE
South Africa. Financial and Fiscal Commission. Exploring alternative finance and policy options for effective and sustainable delivery of housing in South Africa, 28 October 2013.
South Africa. Towards a twenty-five year review, 1994-2019. [Pretoria: The Presidency, 2020.]
South Africa. Presidency. Twenty year review : South Africa, 1994-2014. Background paper : sustainable human settlements. Pretoria : The Presidency, 2014.
Tissington, Kate. A resource guide to housing in South Africa 1994-2010 : legislation, policy, programmes and practice. Johannesburg : SERI, 2011. Shelf no. GR 363.50968 TISS
Tissington, Kate. A review of housing policy and development since 1994. Johannesburg : SERI, 2010.