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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Social security

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies

White papers

South Africa. Ministry for Welfare and Population Development.    White paper for social welfare :   principles, guidelines, recommendations, proposed policies and programmes for developmental social welfare in South Africa.  Pretoria :   Govt. Printer,   1997. Shelf no. G 68 EWP D/96

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Comprehensive report on the review of the White paper for social welfare, 1997. Pretoria : Department of Social Development, 2016.

South Africa. Department of Social Welfare. Summary report on the review on the White paper for social welfare, 1997: Ministerial Committee, September 2013 to March 2016. Pretoria: Chief Directorate Communication, Department of Social Welfare, 2016.

Plans, frameworks

South Africa. Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Medium-term strategic framework, 2019-2024. Pretoria: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, 2020.

South Africa. National Planning Commission. Our future : make it work : national development plan, 2030. Chapter 11, Social protection. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, 2012. Shel no. G 68 E.PRES.12.OURF

South Africa. Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Medium-term strategic framework (MTSF) 2014-2019. Pretoria: Pretoria: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, The Presidency, 2016.

South Africa. Medium-term strategic framework (MTSF) 2014-2019. Pretoria: no publisher given, 2014. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.14.MEDI Appendix 13. Outcome 13: An inclusive and responsive social protection system.

Policy briefs

South Africa. National Planning Commission. Social protection floor : a social compact for social cohesion : a policy and planning brief. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, August 2020.

Local government

City of Cape Town. Directorate: Social Development and Early Childhood Development. City of Cape Town's social development strategy. [Cape Town: Directorate: Social Development and Early Childhood Development, 201-?]

City of Cape Town. Social development strategy. [2012?]

Discussion documents

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Creating our shared future: Strategic Considerations for a Comprehensive System of Social Security: discussion document. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, [2008.] Scroll down to category, Comprehensive Social Security, then to Discussion Documents. 

South Africa. Inter-Departmental Task Team on Social Security and Retirement Reform. Comprehensive social security in South Africa: discussion document. Version 11.9, March 2012.

Remarks by the Minister of Social Development, Ms Bathabile Dlamini, during the tabling of the Comprehensive social security document at NEDLAC, 25 Nov 2016

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Strategic reform of retirement, survivor, and disability benefits: a discussion document forming part of the review of comprehensive social security. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2010. Draft Version 16.1 August 2010

South Africa. National Treasury. Social security and retirement reform : second discussion paper. Pretoria : National Treasury, February 2007.



South Africa. National Treasury. Charges in South African retirement funds, 11 July 2013. Technical discussion paper A for public comment.

South Africa. National Treasury. Enabling a better income in retirement, 21 September 2012. Technical discussion paper B for public comment.

South Africa. National Treasury. Preservation, portability and governance for retirement funds, 21 September 2012. Technical discussion paper C for public comment.

South Africa. National Treasury. Incentivising nonretirement savings, 4 October 2012. Technical discussion paper D for public comment.

South Africa. National Treasury. Improving tax incentives for retirement savings, 4 October 2012. Technical discussion paper E for public comment.

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Reform of retirement provision: discussion document. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2006. 

South Africa. National Treasury. Retirement fund reform: a discussion paper, December 2004.

National Treasury's Retirement reform publications

Pre 1994 policies

South Africa. Department of Social Welfare and Pensions. Memorandum on social pensions and grants, October 1975. South Africa: Department of Social Welfare and Pensions., 1975. Shelf no. G 68 E.SOCI.75.MEMO

Green papers

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Green paper on comprehensive social security and retirement reform: consolidated government paper: public consultation version. SA Government gazette no. 45006 (18 August 2021), Government notice no. 741. Withdrawn by Government notice no. 789, SA Government gazette no. 45076 (31 August 2021)

Road Accident Fund

South Africa. Department of Transport. Directorate Public Entity Oversight. Draft policy paper: restructuring of the road accident fund on a no-fault basis and as compulsory social insurance in relation to the comprehensive social security system, February 2010. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, February 2010.

Informal sector

United Nations Development Programme. Policy options for extending social protection to informal workers in South Africa: an issue paper for the National Planning Commission. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, 2015 or later.

Review (non-government)

Brockerhoff, Stephanie. A Review of the Development of Social Security Policy in South Africa. Johannesburg  : Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute, July 2013.