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South Africa. Department of Education Policy Framework for the Management Of Drug Abuse by Learners In Schools and In Public Further Education and Training Institutions. Pretoria : Govt. Printer, 2002.
South Africa. Department of Education Draft policy for the management of drug abuse by learners in public and independent schools and further education and training institutions. {Pretoria : Govt. Printer, 2002]. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.02.DRAF
South Africa. Department of Education. Draft White Paper on e-Education: Transforming Learning and Teaching through Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Pretoria: Department of Education, September 2003. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 26734 (26 August 2004), General notice no. 1869. Corrected to the White Paper by Correction notice 1922 of 2004 in: South Africa. Government gazette no. 26762 of 2 Sept. 2004.
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South Africa. Department of Education Call for comments on the national policy for an equitable provision of an enabling school physical teaching and learning environment. Pretoria : Government Printer, 2008. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.08.CALL
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South Africa. Department of Basic Education. National policy pertaining to the programme and promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statement, Grades R-12. Pretoria: Department of Basic Education, 2012+ . Includes amendments up to 2021.
South Africa. Department of Basic Education. Policy on the South African Standard for Principalship : Enhancing the Professional Image and Competencies of School Principals. Pretoria: Department of Basic Education, 2016. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.16.POLI
South Africa. Department of Basic Education. Framework for the implementation of Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI). Pretoria: Department of Basic Education, [2020.]
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South Africa. Department of Health. Integrated school health policy. [Pretoria : Department of Health, 2012]. Shelf no. G 68 E.HEAL.12.INTE South Africa. Department of Health. School Health Policy and Implementation Guidelines, February 2011. [Pretoria : Department of Health, 2011] South Africa. Department of Health. National school health policy and implementation guidelines. Pretoria: Departmnt of Health, June 2002. (Interesting thesis: Shung King, Maylene. Why child health policies in post-apartheid South Africa have not performed as intended: The case of the School Health Policy. Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of DPhil in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford. 2012.) |
South Africa. Department of Basic Education, Centre for Justice & Crime Prevention, UNICEF. The national school safety framework. Pretoria: Department of Basic Education, 2016.
South Africa. Department of Basic Education. Draft school sport policy for schools in South Africa. Pretoria : Government Printer, 2011. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.11.DRAF
South Africa. Department of Education The national policy on whole school evaluation. Pretoria :Department of Education, 2002. South Africa. Department of Education The national policy on whole school evaluation. Pretoria : Govt. Printer, 2000. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.00.NATI |
South Africa. Department of Education The national policy on whole-school evaluation. Pretoria : Govt. Printer, 2001. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.01.NATI
South Africa. Department of Education. Directorate: Quality Assurance. Handbook : an introduction to whole-school evaluation policy. Pretoria : Department of Education, Directorate: Quality Assurance, 2002. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.02.HAND
Western Cape. Education Department. Western Cape strengthened mathematics strategy, 2022-2027 (final draft). Cape Town: Education Department, 2022
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South Africa. Department of Basic Education. Integrated National Strategy for MST Education (2019-2030). (Trying to trace this, December 2024.)
South Africa. Department of Basic Education. Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST) Sector Plan. 2015. (Trying to trace this, December 2024.)
South Africa. Department of Education. National Strategy for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in General and Further Education and Training. Pretoria: Department of Education, June 2001.
South Africa. Department of Basic Education. National policy for determining school calendars for public schools in South Africa. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, March 2024. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 50309 (19 March 2024), Government notice no. 4518.