See also e-Skills under Skills
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. South Africa National Artificial Intelligence Policy Framework (Towards the Development of South Africa National Artificial Intelligence Policy). Pretoria: Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, August 2024.
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. South Africa's Artifical Intellience (AI) planning: a National Government Summit discussion document. Pretoria: Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, Artifical Intelligence Institute, October 2023.
Western Cape. Department of Infrastructure. Guardrails for Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Infrastructure: Position Paper and Policy Framework. V1.0 5 February 2024
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. Draft National Data and Cloud Policy Implementation Plan. [Pretoria: Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, 2024.]
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. National Policy on Data and Cloud. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, May 2024. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 50741 (31 May 2024), Notice 2533 of 2024.
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. Draft National Policy on Data and Cloud. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, 1 April 2021.
City of Cape Town. Open Data Policy (Policy number 27781). Revised and approved by Council: 03 December 2020 vide Item C20/12/20.
South Africa. Department of Science and Technology. ICT RDI Roadmap: Towards Digital Advantage: Roadmapping South Africa’s ICT RDI Future. Pretoria: Department of Science and Technology, 2013?
South Africa. Department of Science and Technology. National ICT R&D and innovation strategy. Summary. Pretoria: Department of Science and Technology, February 2007.
South Africa. Department of Science and Technology. Information and Communication Technology Research & Development and Innovation Strategy (Final Draft). Pretoria: Department of Science and Technology, February 2007.
Lisa Thornton Consulting. ICT-related South African Government Documents. Policies and regulations.
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. National integrated ICT policy : review report. Pretoria : Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, March 2015.
ICT Policy review, February 2014.
Smit, Denis, Tertia Smit ... [et al.] Review of Policy and Formulation of Recommendations for the Department of Communications : As Is, Historical Review, Transformation & International Benchmarking Reports. Johannesburg : BMI-TechKnowledge, August 2013.
Smit, Denis, Tertia Smit. Telecommunications Policy Review Report, for the Department of Communications : Inception Report. Johannesburg : BMI-TechKnowledge, July 2013.
South Africa. Department of Communications. ICT policy review framing paper. Pretoria : Department of Communications, 24 April 2013.
South Africa. Department of Communications. Outline of the ICT policy review process. Pretoria : Department of Communications, April 2013.
South Africa. Dept. of Communications. Defining a new era in ICTs for all South Africans : the path to creating a national integrated ICT policy in South Africa. Pretoria : Government Printer, 2012. Shelf no. G 68 E.COMM.12.DEFI SA Government gazette no. 35255 (13 April 2012)
South Africa. Department of Communications. South Africa connect: creating opportunities, ensuring inclusion: South Africa's broadband policy, 20 November 2013.
South Africa. Department of Public Service and Administration. Draft digital government policy framework, May 2024. In; South Africa. Government gazette no. 51271 (20 September 2024), notice 2728.
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. National integrated ICT policy : white paper. Pretoria : Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, 28 September 2016. Shelf no. G 68 E.TELE.16.NATI
City of Cape Town. COCT Data Strategy, September 2024. (Not in pdf.)
City of Cape Town. Data Strategy. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, August 2023.
City of Cape Town. City of Cape Town Draft Data Strategy. Version for Public Participation, June 2023. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, June 2023.
South Africa. Department of Public Service and Administration. Public Service Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology Policy Framework. Version 2. Pretoria: Department of Public Service and Administration, March 2022.
South Africa. Department of Public Service and Administration. Public Service Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology Policy Framework. Pretoria: Department of Public Service and Administration, December 2012.
South Africa. Department of Public Service and Administration. Electronic government : the digital future : a public service IT policy framework, February 2001. Pretoria : The Dept., 2001. Shelf no. G 68 E.PUBL.01.ELEC
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. National e-government strategy and roadmap. Pretoria : Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, November 2017. Shelf no. G 68 E.TELE.17.NATI
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. [Draft] national e-government strategy and roadmap: digitizing Government services. Pretoria : Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, April 2017. Shelf no. G 68 G 40772/2017, part 5
SITA FOSS Programme.
South Africa. Department of Public Service and Administration. Appendix A. Policy on free and open software use for South African Government. [Pretoria: Department of Public Service and Administration,] August 2006. Appendix B. Policy implementation strategy, Appendix C. Multi-stakeholder Conference Declaration, Appendix D. How Free and Open Source Software and Open Content (FOSS/OC) is Linked to Development, Appendix E. FOSS security issues.
Government Information Technology Officer’s Council of South Africa. Government‐Wide Enterprise Architecture (GWEA) Framework Implementation Guide. Revision 1.2 June 2010.
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. Proposed policy and policy direction on rapid deployment of electronic communications networks and facilities. Pretoria: Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, July 2020.
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. National integrated ICT policy : discussion paper: options paper. Pretoria : Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, 14 November 2014.
South Africa. Department of Communications. National integrated ICT policy : green paper. Pretoria : Department of Communications, December 2013.
South Africa. National Archives and Records Service. Digitisation Strategy. August 2013.
Western Cape Archives and Records Services. Digitisation policy of Western Cape Government Bodies, 2017.
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. Gender, Disability, Youth and Children Chief Directorate. Children Empowerment Directorate. Children’s Empowerment & Information Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy (Final Draft). Pretoria: Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, [2014.]
KwaZulu-Natal. Office of the Premier. KwaZulu-Natal digital transformation strategy, 2020-2025. Pietermaritzburg: Office of the Premier, 2020?
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. National Digital and Future Skills Strategy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, 23 September 2020.
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. Implementation programme guide for the National digital and future skills strategy of South Africa, 2021-2025. Pretoria: Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, 2021?
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. Digital society South Africa : South Africa's national e-strategy : towards a thriving and inclusive digital future, 2017-2030. Pretoria : Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, 2017. Shelf no. G 68 E.TELE.17.DIGI
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. [Draft] national e-strategy: technology working for the people to build an information and knowledge society. Pretoria : Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, April 2017. Shelf no. G 68 G 40772/2017, part 5
South Africa. Department of Communications. Disability & ICT strategy. Pretoria : Department of Communications, 2012. Shelf no. G 68 E.COMM.12.DISA
South Africa. Department of Education Strategy for information and communication technology in education. Pretoria : Dept. of Education : Dept. of Communications, 2001. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.01.STRA
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. ICT SMME development strategy "unlocking the potential of ICT SMMEs." Pretoria : Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, November 2017. Shelf no. G 68 E.TELE.17.ICTS
Genesis Analytics. ICT and Digital Economy Masterplan: final draft. [Johannesburg:] Genesis Analytics, 22 february 2021. Consultation for Government.
Genesis Analytics. ICT and Digital Economy Masterplan: Draft for discussion. [Johannesburg:] Genesis Analytics, 31 July 2020. Consultation Draft for Government.
South Africa. Department of Communications. National e-Skills Plan of Action (NeSPA) 2012 [Pretoria : Department of Communications, 2013].
South Africa. Department of Communications. Vision for 2020 : setting the ICT agenda. Department of Communications Rivonia : ITWeb, 2011. Shelf no. G 68 E.COMM.11.VISI
South Africa. Presidential National Commission on Information Society and Development. Information Society and Development (ISAD) : Plan Towards 2014. Pretoria: Presidential National Commission on Information Society and Development, 2006.
South Africa. Presidential National Commission on Information Society and Development. Information Society and Development (ISAD) : Plan Towards 2014 : Executive Summary. Pretoria: Presidential National Commission on Information Society and Development, 2006. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.06.INFO
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. Next Generation Radio Frequency Spectrum Policy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, May 2024. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 50725 (28 May 2024), Proclamation notice 166 of 2024.
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. Next Generation Radio Frequency Spectrum Draft Policy. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, September 2022. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 46873 (8 September 2022), General notice 1271 of 2022.
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. Policy on High Demand Spectrum and Policy Direction on the Licensing of a Wireless Open Access Network. Pretoria: Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, July 2019.
South Africa. Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services. Proposed Policy and Policy Directions to the Authority on Licensing of Unassigned High Demand Spectrum. Pretoria: Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, September 2018.