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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Education, Further

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies


Umalusi, Quality Council for General and Further Education and Training. Articulation Policy within the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework and Across the Sub-Frameworks of the National Qualifications Framework. Draft for comments. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 50645 (10 May 2024), General notice 2485 of 2024. 

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Articulation policy for the post -school education and training system of South Africa, January 2017. Pretoria: Government Printer, January 2017.

South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Draft articulation policy. For public comment, January 2016. Pretoria: Government Printer, March 2016.

South Africa. Ministerial Committee on Articulation Policy. Report of the Ministerial Committee on Articulation Policy: the Purposes, Principles and Procedures of Programme Articulation in South Africa's Postschool Education and Training System. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 37775 (27 June 2014), General notice 505 of 2014. 

White papers

South Africa. Ministry of Education. Education white paper 4 : a programme for the transformation of further education and training : preparing for the twenty-first century through education, training and work. Pretoria: Government Printer, 1998. In: Government Gazette no. 19281 (25 September 1998), General notice 2188 of 1998. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.98.EDUC

Draft policies


South Africa. Department of Education. National Plan for Further Education and Training Colleges in South Africa. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, December 2008. In; South Africa. Government gazette no. 31712 (12 December 2008), Government notice no. 1361.