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South African Government Policy: Library Guide: Children

Bibliographic records and links of South African government policies, plans and strategies


Department of Social Development. Strategic plan on child abuse

G 68 E.WELF.00.DRAF   South Africa. Dept. of Welfare (1994-2000)    Draft policy on notification of suspicions of possible illtreatment of or injury to children suffering from nutritional deficiency diseases /    Pretoria :   Dept. of Welfare,   [2000].


South Africa. Department of Social Development. DSD anti-gangsterism strategy for children and youth at risk and in conflict with the law. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2017. (Scroll down.)

Child labour

The National Child Labour Programme of Action for South Africa : phase three, 2013-2017

G 68 E.LABO.08.CHIL   South Africa. Dept. of Labour.    Child Labour Programme of Action 2008-2012 :   uniting to stop work that harms our youth /    Pretoria :   Dept. of Labour,   2008.

South Africa. Department of Labour (2007). National child labour programme of action for South Africa, phase 2, 2008-2012

G 68 E.LABO.06.PUTT   South Africa. Dept. of Labour.    Child Labour Programme of Action :   putting an end to work that harms children.   Pretoria :   Department of Labour,   [2006].

G 68 E.LABO.03.WHIT   White paper (draft) on a national child labour action programme for South Arica :   draft for consideration by government departments and other stakeholders. Pretoria :   Department of Labour,   2003.

G 68 E.LABO.03.NATI   The national Child Labour Action Programme for South Africa.   Pretoria :   Dept. of Labour,   2003.

G 68 E.LABO.02.CHIL   Towards a national child labour action programme for South Arica :   discussion document.  Pretoria :   Department of Labour,   2002.

Child justice

Western Cape. Department of Social Development. Policy on the review, release and reintegration of sentenced residents in DSD child and youth care centres into less restrictive alternative care or parental care. Cape Town: Department of Social Development, July 2014. 

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Policy framework for diversion services in South Africa. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, May 2010. 

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Policy framework for diversion services in South Africa. Final draft. 2009?

South Africa. Department of Justice and Constitutional Development.    Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act no. 75 of 2008) :   national policy framework .   Pretoria :   Department of Justice and Constitutional Development,   2010. G 68 E.JUST.10.CHIL

Child care

South Africa. Department of Social Development. National child care and protection policy: working together to advance the rights of all children to care and protection, 2019. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2019. (Released February 2021.) Gazette version, 28 May 2021. In: South Africa. Government gazette no. 44636, notice no. 472 (28 May 2021), pages 793-923.

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Annexure A, National child care and protection policy. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, September 2019.



South Africa. Dept. of Health.    Integrated school health policy.    [Pretoria :   Department of Health,   2012].

Department of Health. Policy guidelines : child and adolescent mental health. Pretoria : Department of Health, 200-?


South Africa. Department of Basic Education. National Policy on Hiv, STIs and TB for Learners, Educators, School Support Staff and Officials in all Primary and Secondary Schools in the Basic Education Sector. Pretoria: Department of Basic Education, 2017.

G 68 E.EDUC.10.DRAF   South Africa. Dept. of Basic Education.    Draft integrated strategy on HIV and AIDS, 2012-2016 :   full report /    Pretoria :   Department of Basic Education,   2010.

G 68 E.EDUC.99.NATI   South Africa. Dept. of Education    National policy on HIV/AIDS, for learners and educators in public schools, and students and educators in further education and training institutions /    Pretoria :   Govt. Printer,   1999.

South Africa. Dept. of Social Development.    National action plan for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS in South Africa, 2009-2012.

G 68 E.SOCI.05.NATI   South Africa. Dept. of Social Development.    National action plan for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS in South Africa :   2006-2008 /    16 leaves ;   30 cm.

G 68 E.SOCI.00.DRAF   South Africa. Dept. of Social Development.    A draft national strategic framework for children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS /    [Pretoria :   Dept. of Social Development,   2000].


South Africa. Department of Social Development. Safe and caring communities: strengthening local governance for children: a child-friendly communities framework. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, [2014.] Scroll down to: Category: National Plan of Action for Children.

National plans of action (NPA)

South Africa. Department of Social Development. South Africa's National Plan of Action for Children (NPAC) 2019-2024.  Pretoria: Department of Social Development, 2019? (Released 15 February 2021) Scroll down to National Plan of Action for Children.

Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities (2012). National plan of action for children in South Africa, 2012-2017

Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities (2012). A South Africa fit for children, 2012-2017 :  a child-friendly version of the National plan of action for children (NPAC) for the children of South Africa.


South Africa. Department of Social Development. Strategies and guidelines for children living and working on the streets. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, post 2007.

South Africa. Department of Social Development. Capacity Building Strategy for Social Service Practitioners in Child Protection. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, September 2019. 

National programmes of action

G 68 E.PRES.01.CHIL   National Programme of Action for Children in South Africa.    Children in 2001 :   a report on the state of the nation's children /    Pretoria :   Office on the Rights of the Child,   2001.

G 68 E.PRES.01.END   National Programme of Action for Children in South Africa.    End Decade report on children :   South Africa /    Pretoria :   Office on the Rights of the Child,   [2001].

G 68 E.PRES.99.SOUT   National Children's Rights Committee (South Africa).    South Africa's National Programme of Action (NPA) for children :   implementation and monitoring strategy.    [Rivonia, South Africa] :   National Children's Rights Committee, 1999.

G 68 E.PRES.99.NATI   South Africa. National Programme of Action.    National Programme of Action :   2000 & beyond : an assessment of the NPA and the way forward.    [Pretoria :   National Programme of Action,   1999?].

G 68 E.HEAL.96.NATI   South Africa. National Programme of Action for Children Steering Committee    National Programme of Action for Children in South Africa :   framework.    [Pretoria] :   Government of National Unity,   1996.

G 68 E.PRES.96.NATI   South Africa. National Programme of Action for Children Steering Committee.    National Programme of Action for children in South Africa :   working document.    Pretoria :   Government of National Unity,   1996.

National Programme of Action Website