South Africa. Department of Public Works. Green paper : creating an enabling environment for reconstruction, growth and development in the construction industry. Pretoria: Government Printer, 1998. Shelf no. G 68 E.WORK.98.GREE
South Africa. Department of Public Works. White paper : creating an enabling environment for reconstruction, growth and development in the construction industry. Pretoria: Department of Public Works, 1999. Shelf no. G 68 E.WORK.99.WHIT
The Public Works Green Building Policy was launched in October 2018. Another source records a National Framework for Green Building in South Africa, adopted in November 2011. Another source refers to a Green Building Framework, 2011 and a Green Building Policy, 2015.
CSIR Built Environment Unit. Towards a green building policy framework. First draft V2. Pretoria: Department of Public Works, January 2011.
Department of Public Works. Draft 3: DPW green building framework. Pretoria: Department of Public Works, 2013?