South Africa. Civilian Secretariat for Police. Integrated Crime and Violence Prevention Strategy, 2022: a whole of government and whole of society approach. Pretoria: Civilian Secretariat for Police, March 2022.
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South Africa. Civilian Secretariat for Police. Integrated Crime and Violence Prevention Strategy, 2022: a whole of government and whole of society approach. Pretoria: Civilian Secretariat for Police, 2022. Signed in March 2022.
South Africa. Civilian Secretariat for Police. Integrated Crime and Violence Prevention Strategy: for consultation, March 2020. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, February 2021. In: SA. Government gazette no. 44173 (5 February 2021), Govt. notice no. 50 of 2021.
South Africa. Department of Social Development. Integrated social crime prevention strategy. Pretoria: Department of Social Development, September 2011.
South Africa. National Crime Prevention Strategy Team. National crime prevention strategy. Pretoria: National Crime Prevention Strategy Team, 1996. Shelf no. G 68 E.JUST.96.NATI
South Africa. National Crime Prevention Strategy Team. National crime prevention strategy: summary. Pretoria: National Crime Prevention Strategy Team, 1996. Shelf no. G 68 E.JUST.96.NATI
Strategic roadmap towards implementation of the National Anti-Gangsterism Strategy in the Western Cape Provincial response to the National Anti-Gangsterism Strategy (NAGS) 2019. Written by Don Pinnock & Romaney Pinnock for Western Cape Department of Community Safety.
The National Anti-Gangsterism Strategy was completed in 2016 and approved by Cabinet in 2017, but is classified.
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South Africa. Civilian Secretariat for Police. 2016 white paper on safety and security. Pretoria: Civilian Secretariat for Police, 2016. Shelf no. G 68 E.POLI.16.TWOT
South Africa. Civilian Secretariat for Police. Implementation framework for the White paper on safety and security. Pretoria: Civilian Secretariat for Police, 2018.
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South Africa. Department of Safety and Security. White paper on safety and security : in service of safety, 1999-2004. Pretoria?: The Dept.?, 1998. Shelf no. G 68 E.SAFE.98.WHIT
South Africa. Department of Safety and Security. In service of safety : white paper on safety and security, 1999-2004 Pretoria: Dept. of Safety and Security, 1998. Shelf no. G 68 E.SAFE.98.INSE
South Africa. Department of Safety and Security. White paper on safety and security : in service of safety, 1998-2003. Pretoria: The Dept., 1998. lf no. G 68 E.SAFE.98.WHIT
South Africa. Civilian Secretariat for Police. Community safety forums policy. Pretoria: Civilian Secretariat for Police, 2011.
South Africa. Civilian Secretariat for Police. Draft white paper on safety and security. Pretoria: Government Printing Works, March 2015. In: South Africa. Government Gazette no. 38526 (3 March 2015), General notice 178 of 2015.
South Africa. Department of Safety and Security. Draft white paper on safety and security : in service of safety 1998-2003 : discussion document, May 1998. Pretoria: Dept. of Safety and Security, 1998. Shelf no. G 68 E.SAFE.98.DRAF
Western Cape. Western Cape safety plan: working document. 2019.
Western Cape. Department of the Premier. Integrated violence prevention policy framework. 2013?
Western Cape. Integrated provincial violence prevention policy framework: final draft, August 2013.
South African Police Service. The National Rural Safety Strategy. Pretoria: South African Police Service, 2019.
South African Police Service. Rural Safety Strategy Briefing: the Portfolio Committee on Police. Presentation to: The Portfolio Committee on Police, 22 March 2023.
City of Cape Town. Traffic and Speed Camera Policy (Policy Number 53821) Approved by Council : 26 July 2018. C08/07/18
City of Cape Town. Traffic Violation Camera Policy. Approved by Council: 27/06/07. C 07/06/07.