South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. National Digital and Future Skills Strategy. Pretoria: Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, September 2020.
South Africa. Department of Communications and Digital Technologies. Implementation programme guide for the National digital and future skills strategy, 2021-2025. [Pretoria: Department of Communications and Digital Technologies, 2021.]
Ikamva National e-Skills Institute. National e-Skills Plan of Action (NeSPA) 2013 “Continuing e-Skilling the Nation for Equitable Prosperity and Global Competitiveness in the Knowledge Society”. Pretoria: Department of Communications, March 2013.
South Africa. Department of Communications. National e-Skills Plan of Action (NeSPA) 2012. [draft] Pretoria: Department of Communications, February 2013. (Search with URL in the Internet Archives.)
Information Society Institute. National e-Skills Plan of Action (NeSPA) “e-Skilling the Nation for Equitable Prosperity and Global Competitiveness”. Pretoria: Department of Communications, October 2010. (Draft)
Ikamva National eSkills Institute. Towards a framework for e-skills research. Hatfield, Pretoria: Ikamva National eSkills Institute, 2014?
South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Framework for the Annual Report on Skills Supply and Demand in South Africa. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2015.
South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Framework for the national skills development strategy, 2011/12 – 2015/16: first draft for consultation, 29th April 2010. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2010. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.10.FRAM
South Africa. Department of Education. National skills development framework for employees in public education. Pretoria: Department of Education, 2006. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.06.NATI
South Africa. Economic Development Department. New growth path : accord 1 : national skills accord. Pretoria: Economic Development Department, 2011. Shelf no. G 68 E.ECON.11.NEWG
South Africa. National Skills Authority. Report: evaluation of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS III), 2011-2016. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2017?
South Africa. National Skills Authority. Synopsis report: evaluation of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS III), 2011-2016. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2017?
South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National skills development plan 2030. Pretoria: Government Printer, 7 March 2019.
South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Skills Strategy: Support for the South African Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2022.
South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National skills development strategy III, 2011 - 2016. Pretoria : Department of Higher Education and Training, 2011. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.11.NATI
South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National skills development strategy III. Pretoria : Dept. of Higher Education and Training, 2011. Shelf no. G 68 E.EDUC.11.NATI
Article: Kraak, Andre. A critical review of the National skills development strategy in South Africa. Journal of vocational education & training, Vol. 60, issue 1 (2008)
South Africa. Dept. of Labour. National skills development strategy : 1 April 2005 - 31 March 2010. Pretoria : Department of Labour, [2005]. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.05.NATI South Africa. Department of Labour. National Skills Development Strategy : Leadership Pack. Pretoria: Dept. of Labour, 2001. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.01.NATI South Africa. Department of Labour. The National Skills Development Strategy : April 2001 - March 2005 : Skills for Productive Citizenship for All Pretoria?: The Dept., 2001. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.01.NATI |
South Africa. Department of Higher education and Training. Proposal for the new national skills development strategy (NSDS} AND sector education and training authorities (SETAs) landscape within the context of an integrated and differentiated post school education and training system (NSLP- 2015)
South Africa. National Skills Authority. Towards a national skills development strategy : “skills for productive citizenship for all” : a draft consultation document. [Pretoria?]: Dept. of Labour, 2000. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.00.TOWA
South Africa. National Skills Authority. The National Skills Authority's : consultation draft : national skills development strategy 2005 - 2009. Pretoria : Department of Labour, [2004]. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.04.NATI
Human Resource Development Council for South Africa. Review of the current skills development system and recommendations towards the best model for delivering skills in the country. Pretoria: Human Resource Development Council for South Africa, © 2013.
South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National skills development strategy III: progress report, 2011-2013.
Human Resource Development Council. Draft master skills plan of South Africa (2024-2030). Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, Labour Market Intellgence, 2024.
South Africa. Labour Market Intelligence Research Programme. One country: one plan: draft concept note for the Master skills plan. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, 2022.
South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. Proposals for the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP). Pretoria: Government Printer, 15 December 2017.
South Africa Dept. of Labour. Green paper : skills development strategy for economic and employment growth in South Africa. [Pretoria? : Govt. Printer?], 1997. Shelf no. G 68 E.LABO.97.GREE
Note: There was no White paper, but the Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 was promulgated.
National Skills Authority. National Skills Development Strategy Implementation Report 2015-2016.
South Africa. Department of Higher Education and Training. National skills development implementation report, 2011-2016: a five-year analysis: achievements, challenges and recommendations.
South Africa. Department of Labour. National skills development strategy: implementation report, 1 April 2006 - 31 March 2007.
South Africa. Department of Labour. National Skills Development Strategy Implementation Report 1 April 2003 – 31 March 2004.
South Africa. Department of Labour. National skills development strategy implementation reports.
South Africa. National Skills Authority. Report: evaluation of the National skills development strategy (NSDS III) 2011-2016. Pretoria: national Skills Authority, 201-?