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South Africa. Presidency. Policy Co-ordination and Advisory Services. Memories of the Future: South African Scenarios to 2014. Pretoria: The Presidency, 2003.
South Africa. Presidency. "Memories of the Future": South Africa scenarios 2014: reviewing ten years of freedom. Pretoria: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), December 2003.
South Africa. Development and Planning Commission. Draft Green Paper on Development and Planning. Pretoria: National Development and Planning Commission, 1999. Shelf no. G 68 JDPC 4/99 DRAF
South Africa. National Planning Commission. Report on monitoring National Development Plan (NDP) indicators and targets. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, December 2022.
Our future : make it work : national development plan, 2030. Pretoria : National Planning Commission, 2012. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.12.OURF
South Africa. National Planning Commission. A review of the national development plan 2030: advancing implementation towards a more capable nation. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, [2020]
South Africa. Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Concept note on the NDP five year implementation plan. Pretoria: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, October 2018. Draft document for consultation..
South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs. National strategy for sustainable development and action plan (NSSD1), 2011-2014. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs, 2011. Approved by Cabinet on 23 November 2011.
South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. Towards a national strategy on sustainable development: discussion paper. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, [2009.]
South Africa. Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. People, planet, prosperity: a national framework for sustainable development in South Africa. Pretoria: Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, July 2008.
Eastern Cape Planning Commission. Eastern Cape Vision 2030: Provincial Development Plan: a future we can build. East London: Eastern Cape Planning Commission, 2014.
Western Cape. Provincial strategic plan, 2019-2024. Cape Town: Western Cape Government, 2020.
Western Cape. Strategic framework for the Provincial strategic plan, 2019-2024. Working draft, December 2019. Cape Town: Western Cape Government, 2019.
Western Cape. Department of the Premier. Provincial strategic plan, 2014-2019. Cape Town: Department of the Premier, 2015.
Also available: Integrated Development Plans.
City of Cape Town. Cape Town resilience strategy. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, [2019.] "approved by Council on 22 August 2019."
City of Cape Town. Transit Oriented Development Strategic Framework. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, [2016.]
City of Cape Town. City development strategy. Cape Town: City of Cape Town, October 2012.
The Programme of Action (POA) measures the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) through the Medium-term Strategic Framework (MTSF)
South Africa. National Planning Commission. 10 year review of the National Development Plan, 2012-2022. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, 2023.
South Africa. National Planning Commission. 10 year review of the National Development Plan, 2012-2022: a call to action. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, 2023. (summary)
South Africa. National Planning Commission. A review of the National Development Plan 2030: advancing implementation towards a more capable nation. Pretoria: National Planning Commission, 2020? Shelf no. G 68 E.PLAN.20.REVI
South Africa. Towards a twenty-five year review, 1994-2019. [Pretoria: The Presidency, 2020.]
South Africa. The Presidency. Twenty Year Review : South Africa, 1994 - 2014. Pretoria: The Presidency, 2014. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.14.TWEN Background Papers.
South Africa. The Presidency. Towards a Fifteen Year Review Synthesis Report : a Discussion Document Pretoria?: The Presidency], 2008. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.08.TOWA
South Africa. The Presidency. Towards a Ten Year Review : Synthesis Report on Implementation of Government Programmes : Discussion Document Pretoria?: Government Communication and Information System, 2003. Shelf no. G 68 E.PRES.03.TOWA