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Cape of Good Hope Colony: Government Publications: Library Guide: Population census

Guide to the publications of the Cape of Good Hope Colony


Cape of Good Hope (Colony). Colonial Office.    Census of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, 1865 /    Cape Town,   Saul Solomon,   1866. Parliament. Annexures to the Votes and proceedings, 1866. G 682 E1 Also in: Center for Research Libraries Digital Delivery Service.

Cape of Good Hope (Colony). Colonial Secretary's Office    Results of a census of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, taken on the night of Sunday, the 7th March, 1875.    Cape Town :   Saul Solomon,   1877-1878. Appendix I, vol. 2 of 1877 with 3 supplementary vols. in a box. G 682 E5

Cape of Good Hope (Colony). Census Office.    Results of a census of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, as on the night of Sunday, the 5th April, 1891.    Cape Town,   W.A. Richards & Sons, Government Printers,   1892. G 682 A.POPU.1891.RESU

Cape of Good Hope (Colony). Census Office.    Results of a census of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, as on the night of Sunday, the 17th April, 1904.    Cape Town,   Cape Times, Govt. Printers,   1905. G 682 A.POPU.04.RESU

Great Britain.    South Africa.  Census returns of British South Africa.  London :   H.M.S.O.,   1904. G 42 E3 Cd. 2103 (In U.K. Parliamentary Papers database.)

LSE Digital Library has the Cape of Good Hope Colony Census reports for 1865, 1875, 1891, and the Preliminary report for 1904.