The House of Assembly was the lower house of the Cape Colonial Parliament.
The Debates or Hansard (named after the British publisher of debates) are the verbatim records of the proceedings in the House of Assembly. From 1854 to 1884 the Debates were reported in the newspapers: 1854-1869 in the South African Commercial Advertiser, 1870-1875 in the Standard and Mail and 1876-1883 in the Cape Times. The microfilm newspapers may be found in the African Studies Collection. Use the Votes and proceedings of the House of Assembly to establish dates before consulting the newspapers. The 1854 debates were printed from the newspapers in one volume.
Debates of the House of Assembly, 1854, 1884-1909. G 682 D1.
The Advertiser and Mail's Parliamentary debates, in the First Session of the First Parliament of the Cape of Good Hope, appointed to meet 30th June, 1854. Pretoria: State Library, 1968. (Reprints no. 33)
The Votes and proceedings are the preliminary records of the House of Assembly sittings. They include minutes, votes on legislation, lists of papers tabled in Parliament, lists of petitions and bills. Some House of Assembly Votes and proceedings volumes are bound with the Legislative Council Votes and proceedings. Many of the volumes include the Acts passed in that year.
Musiker, Reuben. Guide to Cape of Good Hope official publications, 1854-1910 / Boston : G. K. Hall, c1976. GR 328.682 MUSI The above-named guide is an index to all published papers, The following guides include the annexure numbers of both published and unpublished papers. The unpublished annexures are in the National Archives, Cape Town. Cape of Good Hope (Colony). Parliament. House of Assembly. Index to the annexures and printed papers of the House of Assembly : and also to the principal resolutions adopted, and to the Bills and printed Select Committee and Commission reports : 1854 to 1897. Cape Town : Cape Times Ltd., 1899. GR 328.682 CAPE |
Cape of Good Hope (Colony). Parliament. House of Assembly. Index to the annexures and printed papers of the House of Assembly : and also to the principal resolutions adopted, and to the bills and printed select committee and commission reports 1898-1903. (In continuation of the previous Index, 1854-1897.) ... Cape Town : Cape Times, 1903. GR 328.682 CAPE
Cape of Good Hope (Colony). Parliament. House of Assembly. Index to the annexures and printed papers of the House of Assembly : and also to the principal resolutions adopted, and to the bills and printed select committee and commission reports, 1904-1910 (to complete previous indices, 1854-1903). Cape Town : Cape Times, 1910. GR 328.682 CAPE
Series numbers beginning with A were assigned annually for papers printed by order of the House of Assembly. These papers were mostly petitions, returns and similar documents.
We have some individual A papers shelved at the beginning of the G 682 E1 sequence. Many A papers were bound in volumes of Annexures to the Votes and proceedings of the House of Assembly G 682 E1 and Appendix I to the Votes and proceedings G 682 E5.
Select Committees were appointed by Parliament. The committees consisted of members of Parliament. They would investigate issues of importance, call for evidence from members of the public and publish reports.
The House of Assembly appointed many select committees and their reports were published, sometimes individually, but usually in bound volumes of Select Committee Reports G 682 E4 or Appendix II @ G 682 E4. Early reports had the series number S.C. Later ones had the series number A.S.C.