Council of Policy, 1652-1806. Plakaats (literally edicts), Proclamations and Government Advertisements, having the effect of Proclamations. Some are Regulations.
Jeffreys, Kathleen M. Kaapse plakkaatboek / Kaapstad : Cape Times, 1944-1951. 6 volumes, 1652-1806. Reprints of Cape Archive material: legislation and notices. G 682 FLC.PLAK BA 968.2 KAAP
Cape of Good Hope (Colony). Statute law of the Cape of Good Hope, comprising the placaats, proclamations, and ordinances enacted before the establishment of the colonial parliament and still wholly or in part in force. Cape Town : Solomon, 1862. G 682 FLC.1714/1853
Cape of Good Hope (Colony) Statutes of the Cape of Good Hope. Volume 1, 1652-1871. Cape Town : Juta, 1895-1906. G 682 FLC(1652/1906)
Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) The Cape Town gazette and African advertiser, 1803-1806 = Kaapsche Stads courant en Afrikaansche berigter. Cape Town : South African Library, 1980-1982. G 682 G microfilm GZA 682 G
Cape of Good Hope (South Africa) Kaapsche stads courant, 1-2 (16 Aug. 1800-19 Oct. 1801. [Kaapsche Stad] : Gouverments-Drukkery, 1803-1806. microfilm G 682 G GZA 682 G
Available in the database: World Newspaper Archive, African Newspapers, Series 1.
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Towards a New Age of Partnership in Dutch East India Company Archives and Research (TANAP).
Kaapse archiefstukken lopende over het jaar 1778 / Kaapstad : Cape Times, 1926. 968.204072 KAAP BA 968.204 KAAP
Kaapse archiefstukken lopende over het jaar 1779 / Kaapstad : Cape Times, 1927. 968.204072 KAAP BA 968.204 KAAP
Kaapse archiefstukken lopende over het jaar 1780 / Kaapstad : Cape Times, 1928. 968.204072 KAAP BA 968.204 KAAP
Jeffreys, Kathleen M. Kaapse archiefstukken lopende over het jaar 1781 / Kaapstad : Cape Times, 1930.
Reprints of Resolutions, letters, journals and registers of the Dutch Council of Policy (1651-1806). G 682 C.POLI.1781 968.204072 KAAP BA 968.204 KAAP
Jeffreys, Kathleen M. Kaapse archiefstukken lopende over het jaar 1782 / Kaapstad : Cape Times, 1931.
Reprints of Resolutions, letters, journals and registers of the Dutch Council of Policy (1651-1806). G 682 C.POLI.1782 968.204072 KAAP BA 968.204 KAAP
Jeffreys, Kathleen M. Kaapse archiefstukken lopende over het jaar 1783 / Kaapstad : Cape Times, 1938.
Reprints of Resolutions, letters, journals and registers of the Dutch Council of Policy (1651-1806). G 682 C.POLI.1783 968.204072 KAAP BA 968.204 KAAP
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910. Precis of the Archive of the Cape of Good Hope. Journal, 1662-1670 / Kaapstad : W.A. Richards, 1901. 968.203 LEIB BAA 968.203 LIEB(JOU)
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910. Precis of the Archive of the Cape of Good Hope. Journal, 1671-1674 & 1676 / Kaapstad : W.A. Richards, 1902. BAA 968.203 LIEB
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910. Precis of the Archive of the Cape of Good Hope. Journal, 1699-1732 / Kaapstad : W.A. Richards, 1896. 968.203 LEIB BAA 968.203 LIEB
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910 Precis of the archives of the Cape of Good Hope : Letters and documents received (including instructions and placcaten), 1649-1662. Cape Town : Richards, 1898-1899. G 682 E.PARL.98.PREC BAA 968.203 LEIB
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910 Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope. Letters despatched, 1696-1708. Cape Town : W.A. Richards, 1896. BA 968.203 LEIB(LETT) BAA 968.203 LEIB(LETD)
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910 Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope. Letters despatched from the Cape, 1652-1662. Cape Town : W.A. Richards, 1900. 968.203 LEI BAA 968.203 LEIB(LETC)
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910 Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope. Letters received, 1695-1708. Cape Town : W.A. Richards, 1896. BA 968.203 LEIB(LETR) BAA 968.203 LEIB(LETR)
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910 Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope. Riebeeck's journal, &c. Cape Town : W.A. Richards, 1897. BAA 968.203 LEIB(RIE)
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910 Précis of the archives of the Cape of Good Hope. Requesten (memorials) 1715-1806. Cape Town : South African Library, 1905-1989. 968.204 LEIB BAA 968.203 LEIB(REQU)
Leibbrandt, Hendrik Carel Vos, 1837-1910. Precis of the Archive of the Cape of Good Hope. Resolutien van den Commandeur en Raden van het Fort de Goede Hoop, 1652-1662 / Kaapstad : W.A. Richards, 1898. 968.203 LEIB BAA 968.203 LIEB(RES)
Memoriën en instructiën, 1657-1699 / afgeskryf, toegelig en persklaar gemaak deur A.J. Böeseken. -- Kaapstad : Publikasie-Afd. van die Kantoor van die Direkteur van Argiewe, 1966. ( Suid-Afrikaanse argiefstukke : Belangrike Kaapse dokumente d. 1 ) 968.203072 MEMO |
Stel, Willem Adriaan van der, 1664-1733. Precis of the archives of the Cape of Good Hope : the defence of Willem Adriaan van der Stel. -- Cape Town : Richards, 1897. BAA 968.203 LEIB(STE)
Theal, George McCall, 1837-1919. Records of the Cape Colony from February 1793 to April 1831 : copied from the manuscript documents in the Public Record Office, London / by George McCall Theal. -- London : Clowes printers for the Government of the Cape Colony, 1897-1905. 968.2 THE BAA 968.2 THEA
Landwehr, John VOC : a bibliography of publications relating to the Dutch East India Company, 1602-1800 / Utrecht : HES, c1991. BRB 992 LAND
Mendelssohn, Sidney, d. 1917 A South African bibliography to the year 1925 : being a revision and continuation of Sidney Mendelssohn's South African Bibliography (1910) / London : Mansell, 1979-1997. BA 968 MEND BRB 968 MEND
Theal, George McCall, 1837-1919 Abstract of the debates and resolutions of the Council of policy at the Cape, from 1651 to 1687. Cape Town : Solomon, 1881. G 682 D.POLI BAA 968.203 THE
Resolutions of the Council of Policy of the Cape of Good Hope, 1651-1795. Hague: TANAP, 2000. CD-ROM. Shelf no. BZCD 869666
Theal, George McCall. Abstract of the Debates and Resolutions of the Council of Policy at the Cape, from 1651 to 1687. Cape Town: Solomon, 1881. Shelf nos. G 682 D.POLI, BAA 968.203 THEA
Liebenberg, Helena. Introduction to the Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope.
"The Council of Policy was the highest authority of the VOC at the Cape of Good Hope. The Council discussed all problems that arose and took decisions on governing the settlement. The minutes, which include reports and decisions taken, are called the Resolutions of the Council of Policy."
Towards a New Age of Partnership. Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope (Archived version.)
Tracing History Trust. Products.