Breede Valley Local Municipality IDP 2007 - 2012. Electricity Master Plan, pages 110-129.
Langeberg Municipality. Electricity Master Plan, 2022. This link loads a .zip file with several documents.
Western Cape. Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning. Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions Database 3 for the Western Cape, March 2018
Western Cape. Department of Environmental Affairs & Development Planning. Energy Consumption and CO2e Emissions Database for the Western Cape, January 2013. Energy data overview: Cape Winelands, pages 41-48.
Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs & Planning. State of Environment Outlook Report for the Western Cape Province. Energy, February 2018. Shelf no. G PWC E.ENVI.18.STAT
Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs & Planning. State of Environment Outlook Report for the Western Cape Province. Energy Chapter, September 2013. Shelf no. GZCD PWC E.ENVI.13.STAT
Western Cape Provincial Parliament. Ad-hoc Committee on Energy Crisis. Municipal 2023/24 Energy Infrastructure plans: Cape Winelands District. 16 August 2023. Includes municipal presentations.