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Law of International Trade Library Guide: Journal articles

This guide is intended to assist those conducting the CML5619F Research Task.

Searching for journal articles

When searching for journal articles, first construct a search strategy using your topic, and the keywords therein, and different search operators.



Google Scholar

Some suggested journal articles

Baffes, John. The “Cotton Problem”. The World Bank Observer 20 (1): 109-144. URL:

Anderson, Kym & Valenzuela, Ernesto. The softest subsidy: agricultural subsidy cuts, new biotechnologies, developing countries, and cotton. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 9(1): 7-15. URL:

Heinisch, Elinor Lynn. West Africa versus the United States on Cotton Subsidies: How, Why and What Next? The Journal of Modern African Studies 44(2): 251-274. URL:

Dakoure, Amanda Pamela. 2013. Cotton-4 and the Cotton Subsidies Issue: A litmus test for the WTO’s benefits to least-developed countries. Journal of World Investment &Trade 14(5): 852-888. Available: HeinOnline.

Buhi, Jason G. 2005. Serious Prejudice: The Decline and Fall of Agriculatural Subsidies after the World Trade Organization’s Upland Cotton Decision. Penn State International Law Review 24(2): 237-256. Available: HeinOnline.

Cross, Karen Halverson. 2006. King Cotton, Developing Countries and the Peace Clause: The WTO’s US Cotton Subsidies Decision. Journal of International Economic Law 9(1): 149-196. Available:

Gillon, William A. The Panel Report in the US-Brazil Cotton Dispute: WTO Subsidy Rules Confront US Agriculture. Drake Journal of Agricultural Law. 10(1): 7-56. Available: HeinOnline.

Powell, Stephen J. & Schmitz, Andrew. 2005. The Cotton and Sugar Subsidies Decisions: WTO’s Dispute Settlement System Rebalances the Agreement on Agriculture. Drake Journal of Agricultural Law 10(2): 287-330. Available: HeinOnline

Shumaker, Michael J. 2007. Tearing the Fabric of the World Trade Organisation: United States – Subsidies on Upland Cotton. North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 32(3): 547-604. Available: HeinOnline

Oduwole, Jumoke. 2012. An Appraisal of Developing Country Coalition Strategy in the WTO Doha Round Agriculture Negotiations. Currents: International Trade Law Journal 20(2): 45-59. Available: HeinOnline

Kanade, Mihir. 2016. Chronicle of the Doha Wars: The Battle of Nairobi – Appraisal of the Tenth WTO Ministerial. Strathmore Law Journal 2: 155-164. Available: HeinOnline

Kennedy, Kevin C. 2008. The Doha Round Negotiations on Agricultural Subsidies. Denver Journal of International Law and Policy. 36(3-4): 335-348. Available: HeinOnline

Cho, Sungjoon. 2010. The Demise of Development in the Doha Round Negotiations. Texas International Law Journal 45(3): 573-602. Available: HeinOnline

Jobodwana, Z. Ntozintle. 2011. WTO African Cotton Wars: The intractable Agriculture Policy Reforms. US-China Law Review 8(2): 87-120. Available: HeinOnline

Olson, Luke. Incentivizing Access to the WTO’s Dispute System for the Lease-Developed Contries: Legal Flaws in Brazil’s Upland Cotton Decision. Minnesota Journal of International Law 23(1): 101-136. Available: HeinOnline

Kennedy, Kevin C. 2004/2005. The Incoherence of Agricultural, Trade and Development Policy for Sub-Sahara Africa: Sowing the Seeds for False Hope for Sub-Saharan Africa’s Cotton Farmers. Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy 14(2): 307-388. Available: HeinOnline

Kuruk, Paul. 2013. The Subsidies Issue in International Trade: Musings of the Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations. North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation 38(3): 327-374. Available: HeinOnline

Yusuf, Guled. 2009. The marginalisation of African agricultural trade and development: a case study of the WTO’s efforts to cater to African agricultural trading interests particularly cotton and sugar. African Journal of International and Comparative Law. 17(2)-213-239. Available: Westlaw.

Grossman, Gene M. 2011.“Optimal” retaliation in the WTO – a commentary on the Upland Cotton arbitration. World Trade Review 10(1):133-164. Available: Westlaw

Mohan, Sushil. 2007. Reforming agricultural trade among developing countries. World Trade Review 6(3): 397-411. Available: Westlaw

George, Carol. 2003. Why Cancun was NOT such a great disaster. The Doha development agenda…continued. International Trade Law and Regulation 9(6):145-157. Available: Westlaw

Kurtz, Jurgen. 2004. Developing Countries and their engagement in the World Trade Organisation: An assessment of the Cancun ministerial. Melbourne Journal of International Law 5: 280. Available: Westlaw

Wilkinson, Rorden. 2008. Developing country participation in the GATT: a reassessment. World Trade Review 7(3): 473-510. Available: Westlaw

Eagleton-Pierce, Matthew. 2013. Symbolic power in the World Trade Organisation. World Trade Review 12(4): 743-745. Available: Westlaw

Sapir, Andre. 2008. Subsidisation, price suppression and expertise: causation and precision in Upland Cotton. World Trade Review 7(1): 183-209. Available: Westlaw

Efstathopoulus, Charalampos. 2012. Leadership in the WTO: Brazil, India and the Doha development agenda. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 25(2): 269-293. URL:

Scott, James. 2010. Developing coutnries in the ITO and GATT negotiations. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 9(1): 5-24. URL: